Christy Hoss

I imagined becoming a writer when my second-grade teacher told me that was exactly what I was! I won first prize in our class writing contest. The prize wasn’t much, a recycled picture of a panda from a calendar, but to me, it meant the world. It inspired me to dream of writing books. My teacher’s influencing words kept me pressing forward and today, I engage actively in fulfilling my dreams.

Imagine being told you were a writer at eight years old. Oh, the worlds my imagination created! Fast-forward through adulthood to the present. Today I long to inspire my readers. I write stories of hope and positivity, adding humor, mixing it up with conflict and real-life problems to engage my readers from beginning to end.

Imagine inspiring and engaging adventures. Connect with me and let’s have an adventure together.

Featured Articles

Why I Love the Wicked Witch of the West

When polled about who is the worst villain of all time, did you know that The Wicked Witch of the West from The Wizard of Oz is usually in first place?

I never thought she’d be my all-time favorite character. Here’s why…

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How Old Am I in People Years?

In three days, I will be nine years old.

Today on my blog, I’ll share my thoughts (and pictures, of course) about the life of a senior service dog.

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Fowl Doctor

Late one Saturday night my husband showed me we had two ducks sleeping on our front lawn. We live in downtown Morristown and are nowhere near a body of water, so I was amazed to watch them.

I guess we disturbed them, as they got up and waddled across the street, then for some reason decided to waddle back. I watched in horror as…

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