10 Essential Tips for Crafting a Killer Cold Email With +90% Open Rate 😍 💯

Cold emailing can be an effective way to generate leads and grow your business. Crafting a cold email that grabs the attention of your recipient and gets the desired results can be a challenging task 😥.

However, with the right approach and strategy, you can create a killer cold email that not only gets opened but also elicits a response.

In this article, I will share my strategy and how I got +50% engagement rates and how you can follow 10 steps to create email campaigns like that.

Email Drip Campaign

Here are ten essential tips for crafting a killer cold email 🔥 that gets results:

1️⃣. Use a clear subject line:

Make sure your subject line is clear, engaging and concise, indicating the purpose of your email.

Avoid using vague or overly salesy subject lines, as these may turn off your recipient 😟.

Remember, this is the thing that matters the most when it comes to open rate.

2️⃣. Keep It Short and Sweet:

People are busy and don’t have time 🕛 to read lengthy emails. Keep your email short and to the point. Get your message across in a few sentences, and make it clear what you’re asking for. 🤓

I escaped this traditional way of writing long emails and switched it with video prospecting. 📹

3️⃣. Personalize your email:

Begin by addressing your recipient by their name 🗣 and mentioning something specific about their work or company that caught your attention.

This shows that you have done your research and are genuinely interested in connecting with them. 🤝

You can use video prospecting to make it more appealing. Like recently I used hify.io and tried it's personalization 😌. It helped me with the stuff I mentioned above and more, like custom titles & landing page URLs. 🔗

  • Quick walkthrough, it's a video prospecting tool and it helped me a lot with my campaigns. It uses AI to mimic my voice 👄 💬 to call out the prospect's names and greet them 🙋‍♂.
  • I recorded 1-2 min short generic videos (for all my niches) to save time and used AI tools like the one I mentioned above to personalize them and safe effort.

4️⃣. Highlight your value proposition:

Clearly state what you can offer your recipient 💁‍♂ and why it would be beneficial to them. This could be a solution to a problem they are facing or a valuable opportunity 💡.

  • You can show them in a short video on how your service works or get a call-back for that.
  • I used graphs and metrics in my videos to make them more appealing and easy to understand. Hify.io helped me show them as backgrounds while I was still in the video. 🎞️🤷‍♂

5️⃣. Provide social proof:

Include social proof in your email to show that your product or service is trusted and valuable. This can be in the form of customer testimonials 👨‍💻 or case studies.

If you have worked with other companies or individuals in your recipient's industry, mention this in your email. This helps to establish trust and credibility. 👨‍💼 💯


6️⃣. Use a professional tone: ✍️

Use a professional tone throughout your email and avoid using slang or overly casual language. This will help you establish credibility and show that you take your work seriously.

7️⃣. Proofread and edit:

Before hitting send ↩️, make sure to proofread and edit your email carefully. Check for any typos or grammatical errors, and make sure your message is clear and concise.

Use short paragraphs, bullet points ✅, and subheadings to make your email easy to read.
This makes it more likely that the recipient will actually read your email instead of ignoring it.

8️⃣. Offer a Call-To-Action:

End your email by offering a clear call to action, such as scheduling a call 📞 or meeting to discuss further. This makes it easy for your recipient to respond and take the next step.

  • For this too, hify.io helped a lot. It embedded my calendar within the video landing page which made it easier for people to book meetings with me or call-back. 📲


9️⃣. Follow Up:

Don’t be afraid to follow up if you don’t get a response initially. A gentle reminder can go a long way in getting a response. ✉️

Sometimes your email can get lost in a long list of emails that they receive, so a follow-up spaced by a few days can help bring your email on the top of their email list.
Follow up

🔟. Be Persistent:

Cold emailing is a numbers game. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t get a response right away. Keep sending emails and refining your strategy until you start seeing results.

In conclusion, crafting a killer cold email takes time and effort. By following these 10 essential tips, you can craft a killer cold email that grabs the attention of your recipient, increase your chances of getting a response and generating leads for your business.

Good luck!

  1. 2

    im a cold email beginner, thanks for this, it really helpful. but if you have added some examples then it would be more perfect but stil thanks for this one.

  2. 2

    Thanks for the awesome tips! Following Up increased my Cold Email open rates by 30% once.

  3. 2

    Congrats on the win!

    Cold email will ALWAYS has a positive outcome with the right positioning. You've shown that it still works. 💪

  4. 2

    Really enjoyed this article, thanks for sharing :)

  5. 2

    I would love to see results like this on my email list, which is warm already.
    Maybe you can borrow me that black magic wand? :D

  6. 2

    do you use click bait at all? do you try to incorporate hot topics like the ones on trends.co or explodingideas.co or mainly just write what feels relevant to you?

  7. 2

    Valuable insights! Did you A/B test 6. professional tone? Would be very interested in seeing the results. From my experience, a personal/informal tone seemed to work better - most of the cold emails I get are "professionally"/formally written, most feel the same and give me the feeling of "yet another cold mail"

  8. 2

    It would be helpful to include some examples of successful cold emails that you have crafted using these tips

  9. 1

    Great sharing, thanks to the author.

  10. 1

    Amazing Long one but effective.

  11. 1

    These are some really useful tips for crafting an effective cold email that actually gets opened and elicits a response. The author has clearly put a lot of thought into the process, and I appreciate the practical advice they provide. Personalization, social proof, and a clear value proposition are all key components of a successful cold email campaign, and the author does a great job of explaining why each of these elements is important. I also like how they suggest using video prospecting to make your emails more appealing and engaging. Overall, this is a great resource for anyone who wants to improve their cold email game.

  12. 1

    Thank you for the kind words! I'm glad to hear that my tips were helpful and that you found the approach effective. Personalization and adding value to the recipient are indeed critical components of a successful cold email campaign. It's essential to make the recipient feel like they are not just a name on a list but someone who matters and can benefit from what you have to offer. By doing so, you can increase the likelihood of engagement and ultimately achieve your desired results.

  13. 1

    Great tips, thanks!

  14. 1

    I think a very important aspect of cold email or even cold calling is reaching the correct person within a corporate, this can make a big difference.

  15. 1

    Thanks, this is very timely for me!
    I really need to be generating more leads right now (and haven't been)

  16. 1

    amazing results, bravo

  17. 1

    Have you considered incorporating visual elements, such as images or infographics, into your cold emails? This could help to further capture the recipient's attention and convey your value proposition in a more engaging way

  18. 1

    This comment was deleted a year ago.

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