How do you grow your Twitter audience?

Do you have any tips or resources about growing your Twitter audience? It seems that a certain audience is required to successfully launch a product :)

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    You don't need an audience to be successful, but it helps!

    What you should do when getting started is:

    • Choose ONE topic you want to talk about.
    • Create a nice bio with social proof, why we should follow you, and a CTA
    • Spend 80% of your time making friends with people talking about the same topic as you
    • Spend the other 20% publishing high-quality content.

    I created a FREE playbook where I detail all these steps: https://xavierc.gumroad.com/l/grow-twitter-audience

    1. 2

      This is very helpful. Thanks!

  2. 2

    Retweet other people's materials more than you tweet your materials.
    Engage with their websites more than you engage with your website.
    You'll be surprised how fast you'll gain followers.

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      I don't think that's a good advice. You should be very careful with retweets and do your own authentic content instead.

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    There are a number of ways you can grow your Twitter audience. One way is to follow other users who share similar interests to you, and then interact with their content. This could include retweeting, replying, and favouriting their tweets.
    You can also search for relevant hashtags and join in on conversations. Another way to grow your audience is to share high-quality content that engages your followers and encourages them to share it with their own followers.
    This could include interesting blog posts, infographics, images, and videos. You can also run Twitter ads to target new users who might be interested in your content.

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    Treat Twitter like a community.
    Engage with others and you will see the rewards.

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    1. Create a unique hashtag
      Hashtags are a great way to get people talking about your content. Hashtags are basically words or phrases that begin with and are followed by a space and then any number of letters or numbers. When someone uses the hashtag, they are automatically connected to your tweet. If you use a popular hashtag, you’ll have a much easier time getting noticed.

    2. Use keywords
      Keywords are the search terms that people type into Google or Bing when looking for information online. You want to make sure you’re using relevant keywords throughout your tweets. Try to use at least three different keywords per tweet.

    3. Tweet often
      The best way to build an engaged following on Twitter is to post frequently. Tweets should be short and sweet. People don’t want to read long-winded rants. Make sure each tweet is concise and includes links to additional information.

    4. Include images
      Images help break up text and add visual interest. They can also serve as callouts. Callouts are highlighted parts of an image that stand out. These could be anything from a product shot to a quote to a funny meme.

    5. Be Social
      Social media isn’t just about posting content; it’s about engaging with others who share similar interests. Share other people’s work and interact with them. By doing so, you’ll start building relationships and trust with other users.

    6. Follow influencers
      Influencer marketing is a great way to gain exposure. Find influential people in your niche and follow them. Look for people who consistently produce high-quality content and engage with their followers.

    7. Answer questions
      People love to talk about themselves. So if you ask a question, you’ll likely receive a lot of responses. Respond to these questions and answer them honestly. Doing so will show your readers that you care about what they think and give them something to discuss.

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    I have a secondary Twitter page for fun... and it grew pretty fast by doing two things together: retweeting relevant content with commentary, and posting somewhat controversial topics with relevant hashtags .


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    Lately, I've been using DMs as a way to get more familiar with followers and engage - I think it adds some authenticity and openness to connections.

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      Also, tweetdeck is great if you haven't used it yet.

      1. 1

        Thanks for sharing! I just started using TweetDeck to check it out :)

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    No audience is required to launch a product. If you don't have an audience, go to marketplaces, where people are searching and paying for products already.

    • Google Play
    • Apple App Store
    • Chrome Web Store
    • Zapier Marketplace
    • AppSumo Marketplace
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    I try to be consistent and tweet as many insights in my journey! Check it out:

    Self promoting yourself in communities like this one, when you share good insights is also useful!
    🤣 Hahaha

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    Hey Kacper, Check out this article I wrote a while back specifically for Indiehackers: https://www.indiehackers.com/post/twitter-101-for-indie-hackers-65ea31b632

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    I got on Twitter last November and I have 1,600 followers. I had no other platform to help me in this process.

    First, what value are you creating? Value in - Value out is a serious theme for online platforms.

    Do you tweet about everything? Do you pick your spots? Are you an expert at something? Start with the low hanging fruit. Let people know what you are thinking.

    That is what will get people to follow you - your offering.

    To achieve "discoverability", you have to engage with others. You will never be discovered on Twitter unless you engage with others.

    You could also grow your account by getting people from other platforms to follow you on Twitter. i.e. Using your existing audience/following.

    Before, Twitter threads were the things. Writing good threads used to get you loads of followers, now it's not that easy.

    Something I do that many accounts opt out of is Spaces. I choose a topic I want to talk about, sometimes I get someone to co-host it with me - and I start talking. This and being invited to talk at other Spaces also gets you visibility.

    Sometimes your account could blow up if you write a thread about a hot subject that people want to be informed about.

    Just a few pointers from me.

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    Engage with others, reply / like / RT. That seems to do the trick for me.

    Some popular hashtags also seem to help. Shouting out popular brands that you use could also help you gain some exposure.

    Not that I would know, only have 60 followers myself...

  13. 1

    No growth hacks!

    I tried some and it doesn't work at all.

    Just choose a list of 100 people with small-size followers 100 - 500.
    Follow them and engage every day with them. It's like creating a mob Kacper!

    They will notice you. And some will reciprocate.

    Tweet about your topic 3x a week. But in the beginning, before your reach 2K followers, it's much more about engaging with others and building relationships.

    Hope it helps!

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    There is only one single thing to do (or at least the one with biggest effect) - tweet. Really, tweet more.

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    Give information to others to assist them.
    Tweeting links to your website, blog, or social media accounts.
    Embedding links from other websites directly into your tweets.
    Promoting blog posts you've produced to expand your Twitter audience.
    Taking part in conversations with other Twitter users about subjects you find interesting.

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      I don't agree.

      Twitter's algorithm doesn't like it when you put external links. Same problem with LinkedIn.

  16. 1

    I am in the same boat - just restarted on Twitter this week. Currently on 2 followers so have a way to go....

    I will try to cross pollinate - have all my accounts cross linked to each other (LinkedIn, medium, Twitter, IH...)

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    Be helpful to others with advice
    Be funny
    Engage with people in real ways every day a lot.
    Promote it in all other places you exist with audiences and in real life

  18. 1

    There are many ways to grow your Twitter audience, including:

    Posting links to your blog, website, or social media accounts in your tweets.

    Directly copying and pasting links from other websites into your tweets.

    Promoting posts that you have written to help you reach new audiences on Twitter.

    Participating in discussions with other Twitter users about topics that interest you.

  19. 1

    Hey, I have read this thread today and trust me it's the best one you will read from a practitioners. https://twitter.com/tibo_maker/status/1570002687219085312?s=20&t=7GnDLzVndHq0oTadiMj6Mg

    Give it a try mate.

      1. 1

        damn, it is deleted. Sorry man!

    1. 1

      That's great, thanks.

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