What's the best way to grow followers on Twitter?

What's the best way to grow followers on Twitter? I've tried an online course, and did post consistently one tweet a day for a month or so, but got so little engagement it felt like it wasn't worth continuing.

Did I give up too soon? Is there something else wrong with my profile? Are the tweets just boring?

@calummoore on Twitter


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    Here we go

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    I'm reading Embedded Entrepreneur @arvidkahl it provides a solid process to follow, but a core theme seems to be to begin by engaging with others, but to do so in a way that adds value.

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      This gets easier over time, but it always feels either artificial or forced in the beginning.

      What worked best for me when I started was to:

      • look for questions and give answers that had some kind of actionable component (“is it worth to use technology X?” – me: “I’ve used X and it’s competitor Y in my business, and I found …”)
      • celebrate other people’s wins and allow them to elaborate (“I just reached $500 MRR” – me: “that’s impressive, how are you dealing with churn? Any special pricing experiment that worked for you?”
      • amplify reach by connecting experts (“I have no idea how to X” – me: “yeah, it’s hard to find resources on that, but @thispersoniknowwhodiditbefore has a lot of expertise, maybe they can help”)

      The point it to engage specifically on the things that you can actually help someone with. And skip the things where you have nothing to say.

      (Incidentally, this reply is an example of this approach.)

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        Thanks, yeah that makes sense!

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    Hey Calum,

    I grew my audience to 12k in a bit more than a year. Here is what worked for me:

    • Choose a topic or two and tweet ONLY about it
    • Setup a good bio with social proof, why I should follow you, and what you're gonna share
    • Tweet consistently for 2 times a day
    • Engage A LOT (the more, the better) with others. Not only big accounts but also people "like you" in your niche
      A good rule of thumb is to spend 20% of your time tweeting and 80% engaging.

    I put everything I know about building a Twitter following in a FREE playbook. I'm sure you can find some tips that can help you

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      Nice tips also thank you for the play book

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    @calummoore you have one more now. I am at the same stage as you except I am just getting started with my efforts, I am planning to follow the advice of @arvidkahl by adding value to to others.

    Looking forward to hearing more from you on Web3 and Manchester(I lived there for few years).

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    I think you should be more engaged on other people tweets, find interesting questions about domain you are interested (dev, web3, tech), answer on it, be useful, share your thoughts...

    And don't give up ✌️

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      Thanks, yeah I've not been doing that, so will defo start that. 🔥

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    Hey found this post nearly a year after and youre now at 13.6k (and counting) - congrats!

    What would you say has been the greatest tip for this?

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    I am also really excited about the future of web3 and the seemingly limitless opportunities it has! +1 follower for you!

    As for your Twitter strategy, I don't see anything inherently wrong with your tweets, I would agree with others who mentioned increasing your engagement level with others. Do things like sharing other users posts, writing well-thought out comments. Providing value where you can is the key here - you want to give more than you take.

    Keep going, persistence and consistency will pay off eventually.

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    Why do you want to grow followers on Twitter?

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    So many of the biggest indiehacker accounts on Twitter have social media management/marketing tools, and tweet constantly about how they're building their tools and their audience. Maybe the secret to growing on twitter is to talk about growing on twitter, on twitter, and telling people you can help them grow too? 😛

    In all seriousness, I think just stay consistent, stay on topic, and try and find people you can help on Twitter with whatever skill it is you think sets you apart. I find that consistency, and staying on topic, are nearly impossible - I'd spent so many years on Twitter primarily as a politics and current affairs junky rather than a maker - my identity there is a mess. Seriously considering taking an afternoon to essentially fork my account into two distinct personas and build one of them up from scratch.

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    On the same boat man. I just don't feel like posting anymore.

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    consistency is a prominent one.

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    Creating great content is the most important element for gaining Twitter followers. People want to follow other like minded people and companies, so make it easy for them by sharing interesting content and being active on Twitter. Tweeting at least twice a day, 7 days a week is recommended.

    A small tip that you can also use is leverage the power of Twitter threads. It gets lot of attention and with enough activity, it can even put you on the feature section.

    But don't just post whatever and whenever you feel. Sure, you have the flexibility to choose different topics you like, but do keep a consistent posting schedule. This way, people following will know what type of content they can expect from you on daily basis. You can use tools like Hyperfury or Publer to automate some of this process.

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    Hi everyone!! I just wanted to drop into this thread and politely say that I'm new around here and I'd love to connect with you on Twitter because I really want to start making friends in the community 🥺 https://twitter.com/EngerationZ

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    So what I have noticed is that choose to tweet 2 to 3 tweets everyday. One random, one niche specific, one as a snippet or meme or entertainment or edutainment. Publish atleast one info thread per week. Do this for 30 days consistently. The intent is to come on the audience feed constantly. And do reshuffle your following list every now and then. Choose to follow accounts you want to engage with. Be crisp with your profile and banner. Consistency pays 👌 hope this helps

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    You need to be valuable. If you already are, I would use SuperSocial to reach out to people and let them know I exist.

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