Methods to grow mailing list?

What are you most effective methods to growing your mailing list for 2 months out from a product launch?

on April 10, 2023
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    I wrote these at Zero To Founder but some quick pointers.

    • Spend considerable time on marketing the product in the form of updates to communities like IH, Reddit and build some traction.
    • Create high quality free content and drive more signups by offering free content. It goes with out saying - make sure the content is relevant to your product and target audience.
    • Work with newsletter authors in your space to see if they can talk about your product. Make sure the newsletter audience are relevant to your target audience.
    • If you can afford, spend some quick budget for ads, may be less than $100.
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    Lead magnets are your best friend.

    No one wants to "subscribe", people are much savvier and fearful of spam. My blog subscribe form performance is pitiful, but lead magnets play much better.

    In order to build a list, the best thing you can do is create a lead magnet and place it:

    • On your homepage
    • In an exit intent pop up
    • Linked from top-performing blog posts (if they are relevant)
    • Give it its own page and run a PPC campaign to that

    With a series of simple lead magnets and fairly low-budget PPC campaigns I've been able to reliably add dozens of subscribers a month.

    As for types of lead magnets, it depends on your audience but I have found the following to be helpful:

    • eBooks (classic example)
    • checklists (5 things your website needs to succeed, for example)
    • templates (cold email template pack, for example)
    • a mini-course or video series (more involved, but they work well)

    It's up to you though. With tools like Canva and Loom it's simple (and not time-consuming) to whip of a lead magnet (or several) and build a list.

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      This is the best answer, for sure.

      People don't give up their email address unless they know what they're going to get, and it's specific enough for them to believe it helps them solve a problem. They're "buying" with their email instead of a credit card!

      That said, the WORST thing you can do besides not having a newsletter is to ONLY use it as a way to talk about your product. Basically nobody wants "product updates" - they want stuff that's going to help them now. You can use this to your advantage by giving them stuff that's helpful, even before they sign up for your product, to help them associate your name (or your brand name) with always being helpful.

      To that end, I like to re-frame away from "lead magnets" and instead "content upgrades." Technically the same thing, but the goal isn't to "capture a lead" but to "help a reader have a better experience."

      If someone lands on a page and you give them something useful before asking for an email, they're MUCH more likely to share that email in order to "upgrade" that experience with something that helps them put the stuff on the page into action. A relevant checklist, cheat sheet, template, or similar is perfect here, and can make a popular blog post into one of your best sources of new subscribers.

      The key to all of these things is to "zoom out" from your product, which is hard because you just launched and all you want is for people to use your product.

      I like to think of an email list like a "VIP Room" for the kinds of people that might want my product or service, and treat it as a way to attract those people and earn their trust before they buy.

      That way, you don't get stuck in the trap of "how do I get people to sign up to my product's newsletter" - and instead focus on helping people who join your list.

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        Thanks! And 100% agree with your take on email.

        I've made the mistake in the past of doubting the power of email. Despite what report after report said about email being the highest ROI channel, I just didn't see it.

        Then I did email right, and by that I mean I did not talk about my product as much as I wrote short (<300 words), helpful emails detailing tactics and solving problems for my audience. Doing this consistently (1-2x per week) led to an engaged audience, and sales.

        I love the "VIP Room" analogy, that really describes it well!

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    One effective method is to offer an incentive for signing up, like a free download or discount code. Also, promote your mailing list on all social media platforms, websites, and in-person events.

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    Offer incentives, create valuable content, optimize sign-up forms, leverage social media, and run targeted ad campaigns.

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    Here are several methods to grow your mailing list:

    Opt-in forms on your website
    Lead magnets (such as free eBooks, whitepapers, or checklists)
    Pop-up forms on your website
    Social media advertising
    Contests or giveaways
    Referral programs
    Co-marketing with other businesses
    Networking events
    Paid search advertising.

  6. 1

    Some effective methods to grow your mailing list 2 months out from a product launch are:

    Offering a lead magnet or incentive, such as a free ebook or exclusive discount, in exchange for signing up for your mailing list.
    Creating a landing page that highlights the benefits of joining your mailing list and sharing it on social media and other marketing channels.
    Running a referral program where current subscribers can earn rewards for referring friends and family to your mailing list.
    Partnering with other businesses or influencers in your industry to cross-promote your mailing list and reach new audiences.
    Hosting a giveaway or contest that requires people to sign up for your mailing list to participate. for more methods to vist JunkieTech

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    Provide a package of resources valuable to your target audience, and invite them to enter their email so you can send it to them. I've seen this workable many times.

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    I've heard buying email lists is an awful idea because you can get your domain blacklisted, even cold emailing people can hurt your domain rep. even if its just a few emails a day.

    I'm trying to grow my software business via email marketing and I've read, assuming you're willing to spend money, you can sponsor other email lists and put your business ad on their email so even if its marked as spam you don't get the blowback.

    I have no idea how much that costs or how to even go about that but it's something I'm trying to look into.

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    i have read the ways to grow mailing list that people have already discussed in the comment section, so i want to add some more methods based on my personal experience
    number 1: Create a quiz related to your product or industry and ask people to enter their email address to receive the results.
    number 2: Use exit-intent popups on your website to offer a last-minute incentive for people to sign up for your mailing list before leaving your site.
    number 3: Host a free webinar related to your product or industry and require people to sign up for your mailing list to attend.
    number 4: Offer incentives for people to refer their friends to your mailing list. This can help to grow your list quickly and reach a wider audience.
    number 5: Use social proof, such as testimonials or social media mentions, to show potential subscribers the value of joining your mailing list.

    Surely you will get the best results

    good luck!

  10. 0

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  11. 0

    Growing a mailing list can be a critical aspect of any business's marketing strategy. Here are some methods to increase the number of subscribers on your mailing list:
    Offer incentives: Offer exclusive discounts or access to valuable content for those who sign up for your mailing list.

    Optimize your website: Make it easy for visitors to find and subscribe to your mailing list by placing sign-up forms on your website.Host a giveaway: Host a giveaway or contest that requires participants to subscribe to your mailing list to enter.Social media: Promote your mailing list on your social media accounts and encourage your followers to sign up. https://thetrackrivigo.in/

    Guest blogging: Write guest blog posts on relevant websites and include a call-to-action to sign up for your mailing list.Attend events: Attend industry events and collect contact information from attendees who are interested in your products or services.Remember to always obtain explicit consent from subscribers before adding them to your mailing list and provide a clear opt-out option.

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      There are several good methods for using ChatGPT. This is not a good one.

      1. 1

        I've been using chat gpt to write blog posts for my site, but I thought this comment sounded a little too generic as well.

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