Here's a little thing you can do for the climate

Choose better products and brands.

Our community is finding and funding solutions to climate change.

As a tech nonprofit, we make knowledge and tools more accessible so companies can grow their climate programs.

All certified companies meet our high standard for climate leadership.

Here are just a few:

REI Co-op logoVuori LogoAllbirds logoNecessairePeak Design logoStio logoClif Kid logoReformation logoSaie logoAloha logoJune Shine logoMiiR logoThrive Market logoGlow Recipe logoAmika logoRumpl logoMonos logo

Introducing our updated label

In 2025, you will begin to see The Climate Label replace our former label, Climate Neutral Certified.

This change brings a new chapter of definitive climate leadership by our certified companies.

Read about the evolution of our certification

Through tools, networks, and community, we make climate action easier, and turn individuals into climate leaders — at home and at work.

The leading independent climate action label

A climate certification earned by consumer brands and business services companies that goes beyond climate targets and pledges. Catalyzes investment into climate solutions around the world. Cuts greenwashing. Creates a market advantage for companies that reduce emissions in their products and services, and by funding GHG projects around the world.

A laptop with The BEE UI on screen

Accessible tech platform for carbon management

Reducing emissions is complex. Measuring them shouldn’t be. We offer carbon management tools built for access, usability, and impact. The “Business Emissions Evaluator (BEE)” is used by thousands of companies to measure and manage emissions. Trusted by a wide range of retailers, suppliers, and NGOs.

Hundreds of Companies. Millions of Certified Products.

“How companies actually invest in climate action matters more than aspirational pledges. The transparency at the heart of The Change Climate Project’s approach can help ensure that climate goals and promises are backed by the progress we need to see in this decisive decade.”

Elizabeth Strucken
Managing Director, Environmental Defense Fund

From Our Desk

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Climate Action Frameworks Compared

TCL incorporates many best practices that are expected within CSRD, CTAPs, and ISO Net Zero, particularly with regards to GHG measurement, setting near-term emissions reduction actions, investing in the net-zero transition, and performing public disclosure.

Reflections from Greenbiz 2025

Sustainability leaders will need to get more familiar with using discomfort as a tool, if they are to be successful at maintaining their roles and responsibilities. But this can create productive conversations that keep business leaders focused on the business opportunities that grow out of sustainability initiatives.

The Power of Climate Leadership in the Face of Federal Opposition to Climate Action

Monday marked Inauguration Day in the U.S, bringing with it a significant shift in climate priorities at the federal level. The incoming administration has signaled that it is not only unwilling to continue the climate momentum created by the last administration, but it will go a step further to reverse climate policies that support the growth of fossil fuels.