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Friday, March 7, 2025

About the Book

Book: CAST: 1 Peter 5:7

Author: Richard Nilsen

Genre: Christian non-fiction

Release date: November 14, 2023

Book: CAST: 1 Peter 5:7

Author: Richard Nilsen

Genre: Christian non-fiction

Release date: November 14, 2023

Discover the profound art of casting your cares to God and surrendering your problems to the Creator of the universe. We are thrilled to introduce you to CAST – 1 Peter 5:7, a life-changing new book from author Richard Nilsen.

Based on the popular verse, “Cast all your cares on God for He cares about you,” CAST offers practical and spiritual guidance on how to overcome worry, fear, anxiety and stress in your life.

You will learn how to trust God with your problems, how to find peace in His presence, and how to experience His love and care for you. CAST is more than just a book, it’s a journey of faith, freedom, and personal transformation. Whether you are facing personal, relational, or global challenges, this book will give you an entirely new perspective on how to cast your cares on the One who can handle them all.


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Richard Nilsen is the author of several self-help books in the Christian market, including “The Road to Recovery,” “Sleep Great for Life,” and now “CAST – 1 Peter 5:7.”  He lives in Tarpon Springs, Florida with his wife of 25 years and three beautiful daughters.

More from Richard

If you had told me I would write a 168-page book based on one verse in the Holy Bible, I would have said you were crazy. God works in mysterious ways, and I believe He inspired me to write this book, a project that took three years to complete, in order to help others who are struggling.

During the process of battling earth-crushing anxiety and depression, I learned how to cast my cares to the Lord and leave them with Him. The result: He would take care of all my cares and handle my problems for me. What I discovered is that casting your cares is a skill that one has to learn. It is not something that you just do without any practice and without the correct foundation. Learning to cast your cares on God can be a struggle at first, but it is a pathway to a God-fearing and eternal mindset. Once you learn the art of casting your cares to the Creator of the universe, your life will never the same.

I have always felt compelled to help others, and writing has always been for me the best way to convey my thoughts. When my college sweetheart and wife of 4 ½ years died in a tragic accident, I wrote the free grief guide “The Road to Recovery” specifically for the victims of the September 11th tragedy. I later converted that work into an e-book for distribution online and through Amazon. CAST – 1 Peter 5:7 is another book based a difficult time in my life and how God pulled me through.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I promise that discovering how to cast your cares to our Lord is a skill you will not regret learning! Join me on this adventure.


God know just what you need and this book has helped me so much. Have  you ever felt so overwhelmed that you feel alone? God reminds us that He is always here for each of us. I liked the  title and found myself studying this book more than others. What  do you think of  when you hear the word “cast?” My first thought is someone casting their  hook  to catch something. However there are other meaning as well. This book is focused on casting out doubt, fear, anxiety and other topics that take out focus off God. 

I appreciate the different Biblical references and scriptures the author uses to help illustrate how we can cast out fears and troubles away. When the author shared her story about her daughter’s illness I saw how much they leaned on God. Her daughter also had to learn to trust God and get rid of her fear.  

“Anxiety in a man’s heart weighs it down, but a good word cheers it up.” (Proverbs 12:25). We can choose to allow fear and other things to beat us up or we can choose to trust God with everything. Don’t get into the habit of the, ”what  ifs.”  It does  not benefit  us to carry around worry. Be of good cheer! 

The book is filled with encouraging words that help readers rely on God and ignore the lies of the enemy. I like how the author is insightful and writes a book we should all read. 

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.

Blog Stops

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, March 5

Locks, Hooks and Books, March 6

Vicky Sluiter, March 7 (Author Interview)

Texas Book-aholic, March 7

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, March 8

Fiction Book Lover, March 9 (Author Interview)

Abba‘s Prayer Warrior Princess, March 10

She Lives To Read, March 11

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, March 12

For the Love of Literature, March 13 (Author Interview)

Tell Tale Book Reviews, March 14 (Author Interview)

Simple Harvest Reads, March 15 (Guest Review from Marilyn)

Blossoms and Blessings, March 16 (Author Interview)

Mary Hake, March 16

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, March 17

Artistic Nobody, March 18 (Author Interview)


 To celebrate his tour, Richard is giving away the grand prize of a $50 Amazon gift card and a copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

About the Book

Book: Truth Cursed

Author: Angie Dickinson

Genre: YA Fantasy

Release date: February 18, 2025

Speaking the truth can be a dangerous thing.

Cressida Hoth is alone in the world. Orphaned and unwanted, she is inflicted with a peculiar curse by her mischievous aunts and banished to a finishing school in the secluded kingdom of Dernmont. Students train in every accomplishment suitable for young ladies: music, dancing, etiquette…and strangely, poison-making, fencing, and lock- picking.

The school is a front for a rebel spy ring, and when her training is complete, Cressida is selected to join a mission to infiltrate the kingdom’s royal court. She has been thrown unceremoniously into a world of ball gowns and espionage, but she is still under a curse, and it threatens to expose them all.

Defending her teammates and her secret, Cressida discovers that the kingdom’s buried history and the truth behind her curse run far deeper than she imagined.


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Angie Dickinson is a lifelong lover of magical stories that point to truth, hope, and redemption. She received a B.A. in English Literature and is now a fantasy writer, living in the woods of Michigan with her husband and four children. Angie is saved by grace alone and is in awe of her Savior’s unrestrained love. She is blessed by her big, boisterous family and is fond of Earl Grey tea, reading too late at night, and taking every opportunity to share her passion for fantasy and fairy tales.

More from Angie

A few years ago, while I was pregnant with my third child and feeling an itch to write a story, a question popped into my mind. Could I write a relatable main character who is cursed with a peculiar impediment that affects every relationship and interaction? What would that look like and how challenging would it be? This was the beginning of my journey toward creating and learning to know and love Cressida, the main character of Truth Cursed.

This book became an ode to so many of my favorite things: girlhood friendships, mystery, fantasy, ballgowns, hidden weaponry (poisons! blades!!), court intrigue, an epic castle setting, sweet romance, and coming-of-age character growth that is anything but graceful. In many ways this story is old fashioned for this fast-moving publishing world, embracing an amalgam of the story types that I grew up reading and wishing to read.

As I wrote, I discovered my reader, and she was younger me. So I wrote for her, for my own future teens, and for every reader who loves to fall into a cozy, wholesome, and intriguing story. I’ve attempted to present my reader with a mirror and true hope as they unravel the mystery and adventure of Truth Cursed. I will forever be thankful to my Creator for the opportunity to share Cressida’s story.


I’m not much on fantasy books but there are a few that really grab my attention. This book intrigued me so much that I couldn’t put it down. Cressida is a young girl who has been sent by her aunts to a finishing school. I had to laugh because Cressida does not fit this place at all. Her aunts wanted her out of the  way and convinced the school to take her. She has been cursed with always telling the truth. This makes for some unpleasant moments when the other girls ask her questions. 

The author slowly reveals that the school has a secret. Cressida is there also to become a spy. Now how is she suppose to spy when she can’t lie? Everyone knows that being a spy entails you to be conniving, sneaky and secretive. Cressida will learn many skills that will help her on her journey but will she be able to complete her mission? 

Uncovering why many of the girls family members were  murdered  are at the center  of this operation. The king has fooled many and now must be exposed. I liked the  suspense the author creates as we watch Cressida become confident, brave and focused. It was nice to see that she did have an admirer. This part of the story is nice and adds a bit of fun to the story.

Get ready for adventure, intrigue and secrets that make this book a must read. The characters are good and the author delivers a storyline that  captures our imagination. 

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.

Blog Stops

Library Lady’s Kid Lit, March 4

cecereadsandsings, March 4

Becca Hope: Book Obsessed, March 5

Allyson Jamison, March 5

Texas Book-aholic, March 6

By the Book, March 7

Lily’s Corner, March 8

Locks, Hooks and Books, March 9

The Lofty Pages, March 10

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, March 11

Inspired by Fiction, March 12

Hannahbandanarama, March 12

Tell Tale Book Reviews, March 13

Faery Tales Are Real, March 13

Holly’s Book Corner, March 14

Blogging With Carol, March 15

For Him and My Family, March 16

Labor Not in Vain, March 17


To celebrate her tour, Angie is giving away the grand prize of a $50 Amazon Gift Card and a copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.


Tuesday, March 4, 2025

About the Book

Book: The Unraveling of Emlyn DuLaine

Author: Lindsay A. Franklin

Genre: YA Fantasy

Release date: February 4, 2025

A shattered heart, a fate foretold.

The world undone by tales of old.

Emlyn DuLaine just wants to know what happened to her sister, Camille, seven years ago on the fateful day she vanished—literally. Emlyn witnessed Camille unravel and disappear, but no one believes her. Since they think she’s crazy, the least the cops could do is solve Camilles case. seven years ago on the fateful day she vanished—literally.  Is a little closure too much to ask?

But Emlyn’s life is upended when she is pulled through a portal into the fantasyland of her childhood imaginings—a magical library holding the storyworlds of every story ever published. And trouble is brewing in the land of Rivenlea. Rogue characters threaten their plot lines, and broken classics are beginning to crumble, but Emlyn only wants to find Camille.

As she searches for her sister, Emlyn begins to learn the reality of Rivenlea and her own origins. A nefarious plot is afoot, and the line between fact and fiction is becoming hopelessly blurred. The truth threatens the storyworlds, Rivenlea, and Earth—the fabric of creation, itself.


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Lindsay A. Franklin is the Carol Award–winning author of The Story Peddler, ECPA best-selling author of Adored, and Managing Editor of Enclave Publishing. She would wear pajama pants all the

time if it were socially acceptable. Lindsay lives happily among therain and evergreens of the Pacific Northwest with her scruffy- looking nerf-herder husband, their three (nearly) grown geeklings, and three demanding thunder pillows (a.k.a. cats).

More from Lindsay

“It’s always been broken.”

Those were the words God put on my heart when I cried out to him in 2020 as I tried to plot The Unraveling of Emlyn DuLaine. My cry and the fact that I was plotting a novel were not exactly connected at first–though outlining does usually result in some weeping and gnashing of teeth for me. But I released my last novel in 2020 and happened to be working on my new series, The Rivenlea Sphere, when the world was suddenly thrown into chaos.

Being creative in the midst of a global pandemic and significant social unrest is not easy. In fact, I found it impossible. I stared at my unfinished outline, asking myself and God, “Why is everything so messed up? Why is this world so broken?” I know the theological answer to that question, but sometimes, the soul aches. Sometimes, it feels like the whole world is falling apart in a way it never has before.

When God reminded me that this world has, since the fall of man, always been broken, he also reminded me that he’s always been in the business of rescuing us, giving us hope, and pointing us toward a better future–one that is complete and holy. One that is fully redeemed.

Over the next two years, an underlying brokenness that begs for solution wove itself into my storyworld. The Unraveling of Emlyn DuLaine is intentionally whimsical and fun, filled with references to beloved classics and packed with wry humor. There’s a magical library, a sassy dragon, a fish-out-of-water protagonist determined to dodge every YA trope being thrown her way. But underneath it all is the idea that this world isn’t what it was originally designed to be–and there is hope on the horizon.


A very creative story that will have readers who love this genre captivated. The vivid pictures the author paints with words bring this story to life. A young girl named Emlyn still relives the  day her sister disappeared before her eyes. Some think she may have witnessed something so tragic that  her brain has blocked it out. Once again she finds herself being asked questions about that  fateful day as detectives try to get her to remember any details that would help them solve the case. 

I was swept into this world where dragons live and a mystical library is waiting to be discovered. This new place Emlyn has dropped herself into is crafted by her own writings. She wants to be in a place where everything is perfect and she finds love. Oh but that is not the case with this story. Underlying are issues she must face and decisions she needs to make which all brings her to where she first started. What does that mean? Well for Emlyn she makes a story up so she can escape reality. The misunderstood young girl, the sister who was left behind and the girl everyone thinks is not sane brings readers to perhaps discover theirselves. 

Will Emlyn find  her sister and get closure? Can she find the boy of her dreams?  As we delve deeper into her character we see a young girl who struggles with grief, insecurity and finding her place in life. 

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.

Blog Stops

Madi’s Musings, February 25

Inspired by Fiction, February 26

Artistic Nobody, February 27 (Author Interview)

Book Butterfly in Dreamland, February 27

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, February 28

Blogging With Carol, March 1

Blossoms and Blessings, March 2 (Author Interview)

The Lofty Pages, March 3

Tell Tale Book Reviews, March 4

Texas Book-aholic, March 5

Jodie Wolfe – Stories Where Hope and Quirky Meet, March 6 (Author Interview)

cecereadsandsings, March 6

Locks, Hooks and Books, March 7

For Him and My Family, March 8

Fiction Book Lover, March 9 (Author Interview)

Holly’s Book Corner, March 10


To celebrate her tour, Lindsay is giving away the grand prize of a $75 Amazon Gift Card and a hardcover copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Monday, March 3, 2025

About the Book

Book: The Curator’s Secret

Author: Denise Weimer

Genre: Contemporary Romantic Suspense

Release date: March 1, 2025

It’s taken six years for Lacey Colbert to escape the heartbreak that caused her to disappear from Golden Isles Christian Camp and the life of her summer sweetheart, Trent Stevenson. Then a museum curator job at a Gilded Age resort lures her back to Georgia’s Jekyll Island. Lacey finds Trent no longer an employee in his dad’s lawn care business, but director of landscaping right in her historic district.

Winter Haven cottage’s century-old mystery of a vanished fiancé compels Lacey to settle her own past with Trent. Just one thing stands in the way … the fact that someone else likes uncovering secrets, too—Lacey’s. And her unknown foe won’t hesitate to use them against her.


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Denise Weimer writes historical and contemporary romance from her home in North Georgia and also serves as a freelance editor and the Acquisitions & Editorial Liaison for Wild Heart Books. A mother of two wonderful young adult daughters, she always pauses for coffee, chocolate, and old houses.

More from Denise

When Secrets Lead to Suspense…

The Curator’s Secret is a bit of a departure from the historicals I’ve been releasing over the past year—not only in that it’s contemporary romantic suspense, and released independently rather than through a publishing house, but in its theme and setting.

Have you ever found yourself unable to keep a promise you made with the best intentions? This could happen due to unforeseen circumstances, mistakes, or information you didn’t have when you offered the pledge. The inability to follow through may break our heart, haunt us, and sever relationships. Secrets can do the same thing, stealing our ability to live authentically, blocking our blessings, and creating a stockpile of lies.

Broken promises and secrets choked the life from Lacey and Trent’s youthful romance six years before the hero and heroine of The Curator’s Secret are reunited when Lacey takes a job as a curator for a historical complex on Georgia’s Jekyll Island, where Trent, unbeknownst to her, is the landscape director. Rather than the restart Lacey expects with her new career, God brings her face to face with her past—not just her first love, but also her grad school stalker who has somehow followed her to the remote island. As the threat escalates, the tale Lacey uncovers in Winter Haven Cottage of a vanished fiancé seems to parallel her own tragic romance…and possibly offer answers and healing. If her past doesn’t destroy her chance of happiness first.

The Curator’s Secret was originally written as a time slip or dual time period novel. It was my mom’s favorite story and my agent’s favorite story I’ve ever written! But somehow, we couldn’t find a publishing home for it. So at last, I’m releasing it myself to my readers who enjoy stories of faith and unique Georgia history. Even though I made the decision to pull the historical backstory out so as not to slow the modern suspense story, the history of Jekyll Island is paramount to the plot. And BONUS, I also have the historical tale of William and Clara that I can share separately to anyone who emails me from my website with their Amazon receipt number for their purchase of The Curator’s Secret.

I’ll close with a fun fact. My mom and I love to take research trips when I’m gathering info for my novels. We enjoyed a beautiful stay at Jekyll for this one…until a hurricane came roaring up the coast! We had to hightail it out of there as workers boarded up the historic district. The eerie sense of impending doom sparked my idea of having a hurricane crescendo with the action in The Curator’s Secret. Imagine being trapped on an island with a storm and a stalker both bearing down on you! That’s exactly what happens to Lacey at the end of the novel. I hope you enjoy this exciting tale of redemption and romance.


An incredible story of secrets, danger, and forgiveness. Lacey is a great character who starts a new job working at a museum as a curator. Her job is fascinating as she discovers some historic facts that give her excitement. I wonder if she will find out what happened to Clara who left a legacy. I liked how Lacey is trying so hard to reconcile with someone she hurt at one time.

Trent is a breath of fresh air to the story. He has a history with Lacey and wants to try to find out why she left without a word all those years ago. He is such a kind hearted person who is grounded in the Word. He becomes very protective of Lacey when unexplained things start happening to her. Is someone from her past stalking her? I really had a hard time figuring out who was terrorizing her. There are many suspects but I did have one person in mind. 

Just wait till you see what happens between Trent and Lacey. A huge secret will shatter Trent’s world. My heart broke for him as he realizes what Lacey has hid from him all these years. The emotion during this part of the story can be felt deeply. Lacey is so crushed and feels alone. Secrets always have a way of being revealed. The author shocked me with the big secret that Lacey was hiding from Trent. Through everything that is going on in the story we are reminded, “ God puts boundaries up to protect us.”  

We all make mistakes and Lacey knows that her past needs to be addressed. I love seeing her start to turn to God and ask Him for help. Her deep pain has made her feel unworthy.  Lacey needs to forgive herself. “We all have imperfections. Everyone deserves a chance.” 

Beautiful story where forgiveness heals wounds and restoration begins to heal hearts that were broken. The ending is oh ….well you need to read the book to find out. 

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.

Blog Stops

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, March 1

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, March 2

Texas Book-aholic, March 3

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, March 4

Locks, Hooks and Books, March 5

Stories By Gina, March 6 (Author Interview)

Simple Harvest Reads, March 7 (Guest Review from Donna)

For Him and My Family, March 8

Blossoms and Blessings, March 9

Jodie Wolfe – Stories Where Hope and Quirky Meet, March 10 (Author Interview)

Mary Hake, March 10

Holly’s Book Corner, March 11

Pause for Tales, March 12

Cover Lover Book Review, March 13

Fiction Book Lover, March 14 (Author Interview)

Roads to Everywhere, March 14


 To celebrate her tour, Denise is giving away the grand prize of a $50 Amazon gift card and a print copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.



Sunday, March 2, 2025

About the Book

Book: Tides of Healing

Author: Sandra Merville Hart

Genre: Christian Historical Romance

Release date: February 11, 2025

A Southern belle fights to reclaim her home, but will her spying destroy the Union officer she never meant to love? 

Savannah Adair has endured the unimaginable, hiding in a cave while her beloved Vicksburg was under siege. With the city now occupied by Union soldiers, Savannah cannot stand by and do nothing. So when one of the gaunt, half-starved Confederate prisoners asks her to spy for the South, she can’t refuse the chance to take back her home.

First Lieutenant Travis Lawson takes pride in the Union army’s hard-fought victory, but he quickly realizes that the challenges of rebuilding and reconciliation are just beginning . . . and not everyone is appreciative of changes he’s making. Namely, the fiery and alluring Savannah Adair. Despite their differing loyalties and the societal divide between them, Travis cannot deny the growing feelings he has for her. When he is tasked with finding Southern spies in Vicksburg and he captures a female spy, Travis is forced to consider that the woman he’s beginning to love may be the enemy.


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Sandra Merville Hart, award-winning and Amazon bestselling author of inspirational historical romances, loves to discover little-known yet fascinating facts from American history to include in her stories. Her desire is to transport her readers back in time. She is also a blogger, speaker, and conference teacher.

More from Sandra

As I typed away on this final book in my Spies of the Civil War Series, it felt as if I’d written the entire series to tell this story.

Previously, I had felt a similar importance of an as yet unpublished two-book contemporary series, but the sense that the whole series climaxed with the final book was as surprising as it was welcome.

Because it seemed as if everything that happened in all the earlier books culminated in Book 6 for me as an author. Its significance reverberated in my soul while still researching the events…and weeks before I sat to pen the first page, the first paragraph, the first sentence.

That sense of importance made this book difficult to begin. The early chapters took far longer to write than normal.

I believe that those who only read Tides of Healing will have a satisfying, complete story. Those who read the entire series in order—or at least Books 4-6 set in Vicksburg—will experience a deeper impact as the characters’ stories build on one another.

There is a song in Tides of Healing. As an author, the impact of the lyrics within the story preceded it, meaning that I knew a certain song would play a significant role while still in the research phase.

Let me explain.

When I’m researching a story, I read a variety of nonfiction resources including diaries, journals, and newspaper accounts. My research for Vicksburg during the Civil War led me to song lyrics written by the enslaved.

African American Spirituals, also called Negro Spirituals, were sung before and after the Civil War. These Christian songs served a variety of purposes beyond bolstering hope and faith during dark days. They told stories about Biblical characters like Moses. Some comforted the sorrowful and some rejoiced with the joyful. They were sung in churches, in camp meetings, and in the fields.

They often contained secret messages. “Home” in a song can refer to Heaven, but the secret meaning was a free country. Author Frederick Douglas had been a former slave. He wrote that the lyrics to “O Canaan, Sweet Canaan” signified more than a hope of Heaven. Repeated singing of the lyrics “I am bound for the land of Canaan” announced an intention to go North, their Canaan.

The Underground Railroad is a theme in Tides of Healing. In 1828, Reverend John Rankin built his home on a hill overlooking the Ohio River in Ripley, Ohio. As a station on the Underground Railroad, this home was easily seen from the opposite side of the river in the slave state of Kentucky. Runaways waited for a boat to take them across the river.

It surprised me to learn that the lyrics of “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot” are about this station. “I looked over Jordan and what did I see?” refers to the Ohio River. The band of angels are people who rowed them across the wide river to the free state of Ohio.

Neither of these songs is referenced in Tides of Healing. The tune that is in my story was a popular spiritual leading up to the war. I listened to it many times. The message took root in my heart long before it affected my characters.

My research trip to Vicksburg’s battlefield and museums inspired the writing of Streams of Courage, Book 4, River of Peril, Book 5, and Tides of Healing, Book 6.

Avenue of Betrayal, Book 1, is set in the Union capital of Washington City (Washington DC) in 1861, where a surprising number of Confederate sympathizers and spies lived. Boulevard of Confusion and Byway to Danger are set in Richmond, the Confederate capital in 1862. Actual historical spies touch the lives of our fictional family. The heroines in Books 1 – 3 are two sisters and their cousins. Another set of characters begin with Book 4, and three friends are the heroines in Books 4 -6.

Through both real and fictional characters, this series highlights activities spies were involved in and some of the motives behind their decisions.

I invite you to read the whole Spies of the Civil War Series!


This book is about a war that divided families and neighbors while fighting to restore chaos in the states. People who had been slaves were now free. That brought celebration to the streets. But not everyone was happy with the outcome. 

Savannh is a feisty character who holds bitterness towards those who  she didn’t support.  She is very unhappy that her town is in shambles and can’t believe that her enemy dares march  down  the street. I loved how she decided to help the effort and do something dangerous. It’s not everyday that a woman will agree to be a spy. Can you imagine the danger Savannah puts herself in? 

Travis is a union Lieutenant who is ready to rebuild and put the past behind him. When he encounters Savannah he knows that she is not happy with him being anywhere near her. He feels her animosity right away. He lets the slaves know they are free which upsets Savannah. Will he be able to find anything in common with her? 

I loved the part about Savannah slowly seeing things differently and how her heart began to soften. There is a slow build of attraction between her and Travis. I wondered how they would ever be able to agree on anything. The author does a good job of showing how the war affected both sides. Get ready for action, secrets and reconciliation in this wonderful book about a war that changed history. 

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.

Blog Stops

Bizwings Book Blog, February 26

Holly’s Book Corner, February 27

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, February 27

Locks, Hooks and Books, February 28

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, March 1

Pause for Tales, March 2

Texas Book-aholic, March 2

Devoted To Hope, March 3

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, March 4

Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, March 5

Betti Mace, March 5

Life on Chickadee Lane, March 6

Cover Lover Book Review, March 7

Books You Can Feel Good About, March 8

Connie’s History Classroom, March 9

For HIm and My Family, March 10

Stories By Gina, March 11 (Author Interview)

Blossoms and Blessings, March 11


To celebrate her tour, Sandra is giving away the grand prize of a $50 Amazon card!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.