Are you an early bird or a night owl?

I'm a night owl but want to turn myself into an early bird. What about you?

  1. 2

    I'm definitely a night owl. I just hate wake up... especially in the early morning!

    1. 1

      The same for me! I also consider myself like a night owl. It's much easier for me to stay awake at night. However, my current job requires me to wake up early. So I sometimes even need to take pills to fall asleep in the evening. I know, it's not a good idea, because as it is stated on the Canada Drugs website, sleeping pills negatively influence our health and they could not be taken for a long period. However, I can't do anything to myself. I can't fall asleep at night. What can I do (if no drugs)?

  2. 2

    Night owl. Once I fall asleep, I can't get up for the life of me.

  3. 2

    Definitely a night owl!

  4. 2

    Definitely a night owl. Even when I tried waking up early to switch my schedule I would end up procrastinating until it was night anyways. If guess if it ain't broke don't fix it.

  5. 2

    Productive all day. But super creative at night when I’m in bed and there is total silence around me.

  6. 1

    Night time. I live for that moment when I can work without interruption. lol

  7. 1

    I'm an early bird. I wake up usually without alarm around 3 or 4 a.m.

    But that's not a choice; I just get tired early and go to bed early (9pm). Many people believe this is a good thing. And it is in the majority of cases. I'm able to work intensely for 4 or 5 hours without interruption before hitting the gym for 2 hours around 9 a.m.
    My day is usually completed between 12 and 1 p.m.

    The problem with this way of living is that I feel completely disconnected from my social life. And it's problematic in the long run.

  8. 1

    In my view - mornings are for planning, scheduling, and doing repetitive tasks and nights are for creative work.

  9. 1

    Night is for creativity.

  10. 1

    Both, but I love early mornings.

  11. 1

    Night owl, waking at 9am. But definitely want to change that.

    I also recommend listening to Andrew Huberman's podcast. He explains a lot of neuroscience behind this problematics.

    To sum it up, don't wake up too late, and have a sleeping schedule. Avoid blue light as much as possible at least 6 hours before sleep. Go for a walk during first 30 minutes after waking up (or get at least few minutes of sunlight to your eyes).

  12. 1

    Early bird. When bootstrapping - 5:30am wake up and code. End the day at 3 or 4

  13. 1

    Neither haha.

    • I wake up ~7AM and hang with my little boy, take him to school.
    • I'm usually in bed by ~10PM. Reading sci fi and winding down.


  14. 1

    Night Owl for sure. A lot of bootstrappers in the WBE Space are night owls too...

  15. 1

    I recently read the book "The Miracle Morning" by Hal Elrod which made me a morning person! Really interesting read and has made me super motivated when I first get up in the AM.

  16. 1

    I would love to ne a night owl... but if I am honest, I am most productive from 9AM to 12AM in the morning.

  17. 1

    I love the idea of being an early bird, but that night owl constantly locks that bird in a cage 😅 I'm super proud when I have a productive morning.

  18. 1

    Night owl trying to evolve into an early bird.

  19. 1

    Definitely a night owl. A ton of peace of mind after the world went to sleep around me. I get a lot of work done at night. Sometimes it stretches into mornings as well.

  20. 1

    What's the big adventages of both?

    Currently I'm more a night owl (because of our young child which will wake up in the early morning when I'm try to be productive). So for me both works fine.

    I would preffer to stand up at 3 or 4 am - but when it's not possible (as for now) I'm also fine with working after my full time job and after the house hold stuff from 9 pm until midnight - 2am.

    The big adventage of beeing one of both should be: When are you most productive and when can you work without interruptions.

  21. 1

    Was a night owl all my life too, until a baby came along. Working late at night after a day of caring is no longer possible (too tired). Only time now for deep work is from 5-8am, so I switched chronotype. It was a painful transition for sure! But happy and settled into 5am now.

    Btw I started a 5am club for creators and indie hackers. We talk about sleep biohacking, and early AM productivity. Come join us.

  22. 1

    Early bird! Productive at morning and day but working too late just doesn't work well for me

  23. 1

    Neither. I work best between 8am and 4pm.

  24. 1

    I'm a night owl but being an early bird saves the time for me.

  25. 1

    A certified night owl here.

  26. 1

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