Do you use boilerplate to launch new projects?

It feels that every time I launch a new project I had to build the same stuff over and over again. UIs and business logic to manage authentication, onboarding flows, profile pages, payments, etc...

I'm curious how others deal with this. Do you use boilerplates or a service? If you use a boilerplate what do you have in it?

  1. 8

    I've looked into SaaS boilerplates to speed up my next project. I'm now using https://nextlessjs.com/ (don't be put off by the basic UI if you're planning to update that anyway). Another one that seemed great is https://usegravity.app/.

    I've also used https://frontegg.com/ in the past for user management because it comes with a complete UI. I was happy about but moved away from it because it has a steeper cost structure than using your own boilerplate.

    1. 1

      That Frontegg website is beautiful. Thank you for sharing the link.

    2. 1

      These look great! Thanks for the detailed replied!

  2. 5

    https://wasp-lang.dev — a perfect framework to reduce boilerplate for React + Node apps. At some point, we hope to remove the boilerplate entirely.

    You can describe standard features via Wasp DSL and write the app's logic in React, Node.js, and Prisma. Auth, Typescript support, Tailwind, and a ton of other features are included :)

    Precisely what you've been asking for @csnattila

  3. 4

    I made my own boilerplate. It has a backend server, static frontend app, and infrastructure-as-code setup for my hosting provider. I enjoy using it for new projects since I can get most basic functionality like builds, deploys, auth, admin panels live on day 1, and just focus on the actual app features. Plus, sometimes I sell consulting services and use my boilerplate to get a client up and running.

    I'd recommend it if you work on multiple projects! Unless of course you have a super specific new product build that requires specialized technology.

  4. 3

    Extract common code into libs. Start git repo. copy codes to new project.
    Takes few hours, but at least you know the code works. Also if something is broken, you can fix them all at the same time.

  5. 2

    I use Divjoy, it has quite some stuff built in and it's highly customizable. it's made by a developer for developers. https://divjoy.com

  6. 2

    Try out Wasp (https://wasp-lang.dev/) if you want to use React & Node.js!

    Disclaimer: I am one of the devs behind it, but it's really helpful! It's like boilerplate starter except you never have to deal with the generated boilerplate code, Wasp always covers that for you.

  7. 2

    Only own, purposeful boilerplates. We found other solutions bloated with things we didn't need, didn't fit our stack, or simply were cumbersome to work with.

    You should automate repetitive tasks. You shouldn't go with fast solutions only because they're fast. That's my opinion.

  8. 2

    I build My Own
    I use laravel to develop the In Backend . It have User Management , Subscription Management , Basic Report Etc
    I use NuxtJs for front end

  9. 2

    I use code from my other projects most of the time and start from there. I would have in there the folder structure, common code (db, authentication, etc).

    1. 1

      Interesting! I would love to hear a bit more about what else you have in your starter kit.

  10. 1

    Non-Tech founder here of a B2B SaaS. While researching how web apps were built I came across Bullet Train https://bullettrain.co built by @andrewculver - it's a SaaS template for Ruby on Rails. At the time it was a paid item, and he has since open sourced it and I think is making some paid expansion modules for it. Which is awesome.

    It saved me thousands of dollars and I think more importantly thousands of hours in small decisions etc.

    Some examples:

    • Database design, names etc
    • Basic UI decisions pre-made, no playing around with looking at this UI or that, should we use curved boxes or square etc.
    • Email templates for core actions (invite, welcome, reset pw etc etc)
    • Writing tests for core functions - it's one thing to write a user invite, but then to write the tests for it is another etc etc.
    • Upgrades - by having the BT team do the initial upgrade to the template when a new version of Ruby, Rails etc comes along, they do a bunch of the work to figure out what needs to be done to upgrade the template, which helps in upgrading my app
    • Community - by using a template that is battle tested in the real world, with other great devs using it, you have a place you can go ask questions and get help. And because we are all using the same basic template etc, it's easier to help each other out
    • Confidence - as a Non-tech, using a tested template that has things setup for multi-tenant use cases etc - a lot less wondering if things are setup at a basic level

    So 1000% I would use a template for any project I think, unless I had a ton of funding, a long runway, a long time to launch etc. But even then, I'd still use a template :)

  11. 1

    I typically use Rails for SaaS builds, and on my most recent project, I leveraged https://jumpstartrails.com. It's pretty awesome for getting all that plumbing set up - user management, authentication, accounts, payment integrations, etc.. The only thing I'd like it to do differently is offer an option for minimal templates out of the box. It leans heavily on Tailwind, which I don't care for (I know lots of people think it's awesome but I'm the weirdo who likes writing CSS :-D).

    1. 1

      This comment was deleted a year ago.

  12. 1

    When I first developing I created my own as an early 'test' project. Now I'm able to revisit it with every new project.

    I'd recommend doing the same as it helps me out 110% and speeds the process up 220%.

  13. 1

    Building my first product now, and we have have spent some time building it smart, to make it as easy as possible to reuse it for another project, as we're planning to fork the code to try out another niche. We're building a niche website builder, so most of the stuff will be reused for the next niche. If we would build a totally different product some day, we could still reuse the authentication and account pages stuff.

  14. 1

    I am finishing up one for myself and I am also offering it for others. I want to start experimenting with some ideas next year, so this was a first step.

    I have:

    • users and teams (which can be renamed to something else like organizations)
    • auth with 2fa
    • admin with roles (like a support vs superadmin)
    • subscriptions
  15. 1

    I was thinking of creating a boilerplate, but the problem is requirements changes on every project.

    Nowadays I am using the below stack:

    • NestJS for backend
    • PostgreSQL or MongoDB
    • React or NextJS (typescript)
    • Redux toolkit for state management & API request caching
    • MaterialUI or MantineUI for UI framework.
    • GitHub actions for CI & CD
    • Linux server to serve backend & frontend and database.
  16. 1

    Yes. If you're a dev who uses Ruby on Rails, like I am. I prefer to use Jumpstart Pro: https://jumpstartrails.com/ (disclaimer: I am part of the team - I build the Android part of it). However, I was customer for a year and a half before hopping on board and helping with the Android side of things.

    I built https://acropedia.co with it and have another platform built with it as well that will be launching soon.

  17. 1

    For my latest projects, I used Supabase (https://supabase.com). It gives you a lot of flexibility, but it solves basic issues such as auth, live updates, migrations... I discovered it a couple of weeks back and I love it

    1. 1

      I have built a boilerplate for Supabase and Next.js that you should definitely check out: https://supastarter.dev!

      If you have any questions, you can reach me at https://twitter.com/jonathan_wilke

      1. 1

        That sounds like a great idea. I created a similar one for my internal projects, having a good boilerplate might help a lot :)

  18. 1

    I generally use Google Firebase for backend:

    • Functions v2: run an express server with http trigger. I use firebase admin API to orchestrate all the firebase tools like: Authentication, Firestore, Realtime Database, Cloud Messaging, Dynamic Links

    Why v2: Firebase functions v1 does not support concurency, v2 supports upto 1000 concurrent requests.

    After a few iterations, you will have nice abstraction layers (facades) for each firebase service.

    Moreover, it is almost free (sure, it depends on your project) until you launch your product and get tousands of users. Please check firebase pricing page and free tier limits.

  19. 1

    I have my own boilerplate. It has:

    • Basic pages - landing/dashboard/pricing/legal
    • Authentication
    • API
    • Database
    • Stripe payments
    • Blog
    • All SEO meta tags
  20. 1

    I use Vemto (https://vemto.app) for boilerplate PHP / Laravel applications

  21. 1

    I use a boilerplate and reuse code from old projects.
    The boilerplate I’ve been liking lately is the t3 stack.
    This stack has made building a full stack react app a lot easier for me. The developer experience is great!

    1. 2

      I can vouch for the T3 stack, doing my first project with it and love it

  22. 1

    Recently I launched my first SaaS app. For the common functionalities(login, signup, admin panel, user panel etc) I used boilerplate from my other projects. So usually first one or two commits are boilerplate

  23. 1

    Yes, I tend to accumulate reusable code over time. Social login, crypto login, certain operations, etc.

  24. 1

    I have my own boilerplate. But I like them so much I made this: https://saasstarters.com/starters/

  25. 1

    I use create-t3-app, chakra and tailwind UI. Plug that into a BaaS like supabase and it is just hilariously easy to make full stack web apps with auth and everything.

    Though this only works if you like using typescript everywhere

  26. 1

    I just have a hard drive full of never to be launched projects to copy and pasta from 🤣

    The only thing I really consider using these days is tailwindui/copy paste equivalents. My past experience with boilerplates is that they end up being less than enjoyable to maintain over a long period of time. Perhaps it's the curse of high productivity.

  27. 1

    I have my own boilerplate repos. However, they require time to update when not in use (e.g., keeping deps up to date etc.). I have three:

    Web client
    React native
    Node server

  28. 1

    I did not find any usable boilerplate using Java for backend. If I build one would you pay for using it?

    1. 2

      checkout jhipster. Free and open source!

      1. 1

        Thanks, yes I have tried this and it is a nice framework.

  29. 1

    (Disclaimer: I built it)

    I use makerkit.dev. It's available for Next.js and Remix with Firebase as a backend, but I'm working on supporting Supabase too.

    I'm using it with 2-3 applications, but I can see the number grow bigger next year 😅

  30. 1

    I create my own boilerplates, and if they're valuable enough I share them. I've been doing this since I was a C# WinForms developer. And for web development I have:

    So yeah, I hate repeating myself so I create my own boilerplates 😛.

    1. 1

      Anything for Java - spring ?

  31. 1

    I used the same i created for the projects but now currently not working and not creating but now there are multiple optionss tools which helping and reducing the personal efforts.

  32. 1

    We're building Ship and also use it for all the products that we build in our agency (30+ startups).

    It's a full-stack JS/TypeScript boilerplate with event-driven architecture. It goes with scheduler, auth, migrator, payments, Retool for admin functionality, deployment to DO Apps/Render/Kubernetes.

    On the client side we use Next.js/react, mantine, react-query and storybook.

    It helps us to build prototypes/MVPs in weeks and grow big.

    Check our docs, repository and the website.

    Let me know your thoughts!

  33. 1

    I've tried using boilerplates in the past, but honestly they always lacked something that was important for me. One thing that I'm doing right now is creating my own boilerplate that is basically perfectly made for me with my own preferences. You could do that as well, either start from scratch or based on another boilerplate :)

  34. 1

    I had the same feeling so decided to create an app starter for myself. Then though why shouldn't I share it with others :) That is how I created my first product, which is app starter or boierplate for React Native mobile apps:

    1. 1

      Looks like a cool project!

      As a customer, who is looking for a solution, I wish you had a list of use cases that your app solves.

      1. 1

        Thank you :)

        Yes, I want also to separate bare boilerplate from "scenes + logic pack". Then I would like to add demo videos, tutorials etc.
        But it is very challenging to find time to make it as I have it in my head.

  35. 1

    Personally, I think a lot of things depend on the type of project. If you build similar products, it could be cost-efficient to use code from a similar project. Even more, I know a lot of people who build online shops with the same structure over and over again, and they are really good at this. That's why they can build more projects by spending less time.
    But if you build some interesting project, maybe even a unique one, the tech stack would be different, just because you can pick the most optimal solution from the one you choose. I wrote a post on IH about how to pick the tech stack for your project. I hope you'll find smth helpful there.
    Good luck with your projects!

    1. 1

      Great post. Thanks for sharing.

      I'm mostly looking for boilerplates to deal with account and subscription management. It just takes way too much time to build it every time.

  36. 1

    I was copying and pasting old projects and making small changes. Then I created a boilerplate which suits my needs and made it public.
    checkout: https://github.com/irnmon/microservice-base

    I do not have much time to maintain it for now but I'm working on typescript version of it.

  37. 1

    If you are a developer and have previous projects available, you probably prefer to start from there. But libraries change all the time, so it becomes quickly outdated. So a well-made boilterplate could save time.

  38. 0

    I have a check list of actions I have to cross every time I build a new idea. I documented those steps in my Step by Step Bootstrappers Guide

  39. 0

    I use https://supastarter.dev! It's a boilerplate for SaaS apps built upon Supabase and Next.js . It includes authentication, i18n, landing page, subscriptions, blog and some other really nice things.

    In general I would always advise using a starter template / boilerplate instead of building everything yourself. There is also a blog post on the supastarter blog why it's a good idea to do so:


  40. 1

    This comment was deleted a year ago.

  41. 1

    This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

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