The email outreach strategy we used to add 40k in new revenue

Outreach is a hard nut to crack. 😅

We've tried it multiple times with bad results.

We did all the outreach tactics.

Warm up your email, figure out your persona, source a good list of leads, and never send from your own domain.

Didn't work. 🙅‍♀

We did what the pros recommended; we sold the meeting and not the solution but it didn't work.

I thought the problem was the message. And I was right.

The problem is that when you target VPs of marketing type people in large SaaS companies, everybody is trying to get on a call with them. 💡

Those 30 minutes are super valuable, so you have to earn them.

That's why we switched to "selling" the next email and not meeting.

The email contained information about a strategy that would help them double their organic reach by creating videos for the content they are already ranking for.

It's what we do best at Videodeck. ✨

And what we pitched was a free content plan of similar ideas.

It did amazing.

We got over 60 leads from companies ranging from 100k pre-seed round to 900M series G raised.

But the average was at 50M raised.

We closed multiple clients at around 40k in new revenue, but these types of clients usually order more and stick around.

They are also amazing people to work with since they clearly understand the value of what we do.

Quick takeaways ⚡

  • Never start cold outreach before you clearly define your value prop
  • Know the pain points your service/products addresses well and offer solutions
  • Offer value. Your lead's time is valuable; make sure you make it worthwhile to talk to you
  • Don't pitch like everyone else; find what works best for your business
  • Work with pros if you don't know what you're doing (send me a DM and I can share who we work with)

Share your email strategy and what worked for you. Maybe we can give you some feedback or borrow some of your ideas. 😊

on June 7, 2023
  1. 1

    How exactly did you "sell the next email, not the meeting."

    Your article is not much use without an example and a discussion of how your technique works and why you think it was successful.

  2. 1

    Really great strategies on providing more value in the outreach as opposed to just pitching - thanks for sharing!

    Do you have a structured follow-up sequence and has that worked well for you? Or do most prospects respond to your initial message?

  3. 1

    thank you for sharing. as a person working on email outreach browser extension, this was insightful and added a small something to our product backlog.

    1. 1

      Awesome, glad I could help, Lana!

  4. -1

    This comment has been voted down. Click to show.

    1. 2

      Is this honestly the best you could come up with?

    2. 2

      Ngl, this looks very chatGPT-ish. :D
      But thank you!

      1. 2

        Right? Don't get why folks do this.

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