Indie Hacker Book Club Interest

Hi everyone!

Anytime I see someone asking for book recommendations or posting a list of their favorite business and personal development books, I can't help but chime in with some of my favorites and add some suggestions to my reading list.

It got me thinking. Would other indiehackers be interested in something like a book club? I was thinking something along the lines of 1 book per month with a place to post thoughts and findings async so you can share your insights and read others whenever works best for you.

Let me know if you'd be interested or have some good book suggestions!

EDIT: Adding the invite link to the original post to make it a little more visible


  1. 5

    Count me in,
    Should we create a slack channel, or sth else to stay accountable and get in touch?

  2. 3

    This is great to see some people interested. Here's what I'm thinking:

    • Start sometime in January to give more people a chance to join if interested and not have any extra obligations during the holidays

    • Create something like a Slack channel where people can post updates or ask questions whenever is convenient to them so no meetings to worry about

    • Choose a book for the month that's accessible for most people (by accessible I'm thinking availability, price, multiple languages, etc)

    I created a slack workspace people can join to start suggesting books or sharing some insights on what they've recently read. Here's an invite link if anyone would like to join


    If anyone has issues joining, please let me know!

  3. 3

    Hello, Cody. Yeah, man, I’d be interested in something like a book club! I read books and often want to discuss with someone the idea.

  4. 3

    Sounds cool! Count me in.

  5. 3

    Id be up for it, I actually did this earlier this year where we read the embedded entrepreneur with a few IH friends.
    Would love to do it again.

  6. 3

    Count me in, i would love to be able to chat with other people about business books!!!

  7. 2

    Hi @codes, good idea! I'm often reading and taking notes. Decided to share my notes publicly in a IH series. Just finished a book on customer interviews(Deploy Empathy) and now reading about copywriting(The Boron Letters).

    Subscribe to the Indie Book Notes series to get my notes straight to your inbox.

  8. 2

    Yeah, count me in. The idea to make it async is great. I think we should start asap to see whats working and whats not, so why don't start a Slack? Every month, we create a new channel for the book of the month. This would be a lean approach.

  9. 2

    Definitely interested. +1 from me!

  10. 1

    Just joined the Slack. So glad I found this thread. 😁

  11. 1

    Looking forward to this :)

  12. 1

    Hello Cody, nice to meet you! Great idea! BTW, a couple a months ago I created a side project for this, to share your favorite books: reclist.me

    Please take a look!✌️

  13. 1

    Shameless plug - if you’re looking for book club questions, my wife runs and writes reviews/book club questions on https://bookclubchat.com. It’s focused more on women’s fiction, but she does all the big thrillers on the best sellers list.

  14. 1

    I'm in! Love this idea. Joining the Slack workspace.

  15. 1

    sounds good, will join that slack!

  16. 1

    Hey Cody, It's a great idea! I think books like Lean Startup and The phoenix project definitely need a discussion hub. I'm guilty of not following the lean/MVP approach many times even after reading the lean startup. Since we are a community of builders it would be good to know what others hackers have taken away from the book and actually implemented it.

  17. 1

    That would be awesome. Count me in.

  18. 2

    This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

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