I made $2,300 in sales one week after launching my product

I launched PaletteBrain.com on April 24th and made over $2,300 in sales by May 1st.

1st week revenues

Now that I have some free time, I want to share my experience about this successful launch.

PaletteBrain is a macOS application that allows users to use ChatGPT across all their applications using a shortcut. Users can create their own custom templates and assign shortcuts to them.

Why did I build PaletteBrain?

I've been a ChatGPT user since its launch, and I upgraded to ChatGPT Plus as soon as it was made available. It quickly changed the way I was working and became the tool I was using the most throughout the day.
Though it's a great product, it is super annoying to manually copy and paste text, write the same prompt every time, etc...
I decided to build a product that would fix those issues I had, and I started building PaletteBrain. I initially built it for my personal use and didn't plan to sell it, but I figured if it was useful for me, it would be useful for others as well.

How long did it take to build the product?

In total, it took me less than 3 weeks to fully build the product and release the public version. Before releasing it to the public, I made a beta version that was accessible to a selected group of users for about a week.

How did I promote PaletteBrain?

  • Reddit: I wrote a few posts on different relevant subreddits (r/ChatGPT, r/SideProject, etc...). The posts were simple 1-minute videos showcasing how PaletteBrain works. You don't need to write a 10-page essay for your post as a picture or a video will always have more impact than text. Some of them became the top posts of the day and brought a lot of visitors to PaletteBrain.com . It is by far where I got the most traffic to my website.
  • AI Directories: There are a lot of AI directories (futuretools, futurepedia, etc...) where you can submit your product and have it featured on their website. It is super easy to submit your product, it's (most of the time) free, and it's a great way to gain visibility for your product and reach potential customers who are interested in AI.
  • Twitter: Most of my recent tweets are talking about PaletteBrain and contain a link pointing to PaletteBrain.com

How did the launch go?

During the first week, PaletteBrain.com received more than 3,300 unique visitors.

1st week visitors

I was absolutely not prepared to receive that much traction for PaletteBrain right from the start, and I quickly became overwhelmed by the amount of comments I had to reply to on Reddit/Twitter, and all the questions visitors were asking me via the chatbot on my website, or via emails. It was really hard to keep up with all those notifications coming from everywhere.

After a few days, though, I figured out a better way to handle it all, and now things are going really well! I am still making sales every day, and I am pushing regular updates to PaletteBrain!

  1. 3

    "I figured out a better way to handle it all" - what was the way you figured out?

    Thanks for sharing your experience, encourages me to launch on reddit.

    1. 2

      You quickly notice that you get the same questions and comments from different people over and over, so I created a lot a different templates that I could easily copy and paste depending on the message 😄 It was a huge time saver.

      My pleasure! It was my first time launching a product on Reddit and it definitely is a place that can bring a lot of potential customers to your website!

  2. 2

    Just downloaded the app and it's amazing!

    1. 1

      Thanks 🙌 I’m glad you’re enjoying the app!

  3. 2

    It’s actually amazing to read this Gwendal! Well deserved, keep going king 🤴

    1. 1

      Thanks Lilian! 🙌 The next big milestone is $5k! 😄

  4. 1

    I see you have "One-time Purchase, Lifetime Usage" plans. Are you planning on turning it into a subscription model?

  5. 1

    Congratulations! I'm impressed with the progress in just 3 weeks. 🙌

    You got a big spike in visits after posting about your product in different groups. Could you please share how you are planning to keep driving traffic to the website? Thanks!

  6. 1

    Did you do or recommend a strong pre-launch marketing campaign? Or you kept the energy for post-launch? Good idea, hard work. Congrats on your fast-growing Grewndal!

    1. 1

      I kept my energy for the post-launch. I only talked about it before the launch on Twitter, and nowhere else. Since I didn't set up a presale, there was no point talking about it too much.

  7. 1

    Congrats on your launch ^^ Do you have any tips to share in terms of Twitter? I'm also building a product and wanna optimize our Twitter account like you!

    1. 1

      Thanks 😄 To grow on Twitter, you just have to post regularly, at least on a day, and to engage with other people. There is no secret 😅

  8. 1

    What an amazing product, well done!

  9. 1

    Congrats yo! What updates are you looking to push soon? Find any bottlenecks in communication process systems you could share to deal with all the inflow?

    1. 1

      Thanks! I have created a feedback community hub where you can follow the development of PaletteBrain and also submit your feature requests: https://palettebrain.featurebase.app 😄

  10. 1

    Congrats on the launch! Amazing velocity. Thanks for sharing.

    1. 1

      Thanks! I hope I can keep this momentum 😄

  11. 1

    This is great! Very inspiring, congratulations Gwendal 🔥

  12. 1

    Many congratulations on the launch.
    Out of the all three (Reddit, twitter, and directories), What worked the most for you?

    1. 1

      Thanks! Reddit was by far the one that worked best for me.

  13. 1

    Thank you for sharing ! This is definitely a product that I could potentially use as I am, myself addicted to ChatGPT.

    Quick question if you don’t mind, I have just launched an AI Photo Enhance mobile app- haven’t done any marketing as of now, do you think reddit would be a good way to start?

    1. 1

      Thanks! Oh yeah, definitely. Try to post your product on AI related subreddits, I’m sure this will work out well!

  14. 1

    Thanks for sharing! Looking forward to the windows version!

    1. 1

      Thanks! It shouldn’t be that hard to port it to Windows 😄

  15. 1

    Thanks for sharing! What tool did you use to make the videos? Is it just a screenshare or did you do any editing?

  16. 1

    Very inspiring to see how this played out! I have a couple products but its always hard for me to find places to advertise them. I was planning to advertise one of my products on Reddit but don't have enough karma. Do you know how to get karma quickly?

    1. 1

      Thanks! I don’t really have any tip to gain karma faster, just spend some time on Reddit, and you’ll get some naturally.

  17. 1

    Congrats! Did you had a follower base in Twitter? Which channel do you think brought the most traffic/sales of the 3?

    1. 2

      Thanks! Yes, I have around 2,500 followers on Twitter but Reddit was, by far, the channel that generated the most sales for me.

      1. 1

        I saw that you decided to go for a lifetime fee, why not a monthly one?

        1. 1

          It doesn’t really make sense to have a subscription for this type of product in my opinion.

  18. 1

    Congrats on the success!

  19. 1

    @GwendalBrossard Which subreddits were the primary targets you got that much traffic from?

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