How I grew to 30,000 followers on TikTok.

How I grew to 30,000 followers on TikTok.

You can you this strategy for your project.

In 2023, I decided to put the Jacob's Formula for Success to test.

I was struggling with shiny object syndrome before. so I decided to try out the Jacob's Formula.

knowledge/skill + action + patience = success.
You can learn more about the Jacob's Formula here - https://arkiana.com/the-jacobs-formula-for-success/

I chose spreadsheets - Excel and Google Sheets. I had no idea how to use spreadsheets effectively.

So, I dedicated a few hours to learning everyday.

in less than a week, I became so comfortable with spreadsheets that I was making videos to teach others.

The more I made videos, the more I solidified my understanding.

I was posting the same videos on TikTok, Facebook, and YouTube to see how they will behave on each platform.

The results
I got 30,000 followers on TikTok
19,000 followers on Facebook
1000 subscribers on YouTube.
A few clients for Excel lessons and templates.

I decided to slow down on spreadsheet videos, I'm now focusing on my app Codlixe.

Ultimately, I learned that if you work on something consistently, and patiently, for a good amount of time, you cannot lose.

on March 1, 2024
  1. 2

    Very inspiring story Arkim! Love to read about the formula article. Thanks for sharing this.
    Now I have to find in what I want to be trully skilled at.

    1. 2

      Thank you so much.

      That's the way to go

  2. 2

    I appreciate you sharing this fantastic strategy!

    1. 1

      Thank you so much

    1. 1

      Thank you so much.

  3. 2

    I wanted to read the "Jacob's formula" but never seen so much ads in one page...

    1. 1

      Thank you for the feedback, let me remove them. I had tried ezoic and network, but its adding way too many ads. Thank you for pointing it out. 🤝🤝

  4. 1

    the link is not working

    1. 1

      Hi, it is working now.
      Thanks for pointing that out.

    1. 1

      Thank you. I appreciate it

  5. 1

    Thats great! How long did it take you to grow to that point?

    1. 1

      About 9 months I think.

  6. 1

    Thanks for the inspiring story. What is Codlixe?

    1. 1

      Thank you so much.

      Codlixe is a mobile for tracking the progress of your goals, weight, finances, and the books you are reading.

    1. 1

      Thank you so much 🙏

  7. 1

    It is a great strategy, thank you for sharing!

    1. 1

      It surely is
      Most welcome Elisabetkach

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