Streamable HTML Fragments

In my recent HTML fragments blog post, I explored how to dynamically fetch a fully-encapsulated, server-side rendered (SSR) web component and use it without any custom tooling or "HTML-over-the-wire" framework.

I suggested that the web spec could be updated to better support this use case, and it could improve over my prototype by supporting streamed HTML fragments. I did not explore streaming too much in that post as I didn't think it was possible to demo, even in a limited capacity.

However, I recently found this HTTP 203 video where Jake Archibald discussed some "magic tricks" with the HTML parser. Near the end of the video, they mentioned document.implementation.createHTMLDocument() which can stream dynamic HTML content directly into the page DOM. I'd never heard of this API before, and it seemed like a great tool to stream HTML fragments, so I was eager to prototype the approach.

Oh how naive I was.


If you haven't read the HTML fragments post, I highly recommend it, I could use the extra traffic 😉. But if not, the main idea was that custom elements and declarative shadow DOM (DSD) can support a completely self-contained, SSR'd UI component. Such a component could then be fetched via XHR as an "HTML fragment" which gets parsed into a DOM node and appended into the document. This allows us to encapsulate all the implementation details of a component, shift the rendering work to the server, and provide dynamic features without requiring a page refresh.

One example of what a complete HTML fragment server response might look like (for a Twitter clone):

    <template shadowroot="open">
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="/tweet.css">
        <span>Hello world from tweet #1234.</span>
    <script src="/tweet.js" type="module" async></script>

Then the client could request and use this fragment by appending it to the DOM.

import { parseDomFragment } from './dom.js'; // See HTML fragments post for implementation.

(async () => {
    // Fetch an HTML fragment from the server.
    const res = await fetch(`/tweet?id=1234`);

    // Parse it into an `HTMLTemplateElement` node.
    const template: HTMLTemplateElement =
        await parseDomFragment(res);

    // Append to the document.
        template.content.cloneNode(true /* deep */));

Combining this with streaming support, could we evolve this into something like:

import { streamDomFragment } from './dom.js'; // Implementation TBD...

(async () => {
    // Fetch an HTML fragment from the server.
    const res = await fetch(`/tweet?id=1234`);

    // Stream the fragment into a DOM node. We only have the
    // top-level DOM node right now, `<my-tweet></my-tweet>`
    // from the above example, but content will continue to
    // stream in as it is received.
    const fragment: Node = await streamDomFragment(res);

    // Append to the document.

How hard could it be right?

HTML Streaming Background

You might be wondering why streamDomFragment() returns a Node and not an AsyncGenerator<Node, void, void>. After all, if the point is to stream the content, why would we return a fully parsed Node?

This is important to the rest of the streaming discussion, so some background in how HTML streaming actually works can help clear this up. HTML is a textual format, meaning a start tag (<div>) can be far away from its associated close tag (</div>). However DOM is a hierarchical structure. There are no start or end tags, you either have an HTMLDivElement object or you don't. Close tags don't actually exist! You've been lied to all your life by big browser!

Browsers handle this by creating and appending a DOM node when an HTML start tag parsed. The close tag serves only as a signal to the parser that subsequent HTML goes after that DOM node, rather than inside it.

Let's assume the browser received the following HTML content in a few different chunks. How might it render this content at each pause?

    <span id="1">Hello,

<!-- Pause -->


<!-- Pause -->


<span id="2">Howdy, World!</span>

At the first pause, the browser renders:

HTMLDivElement [
    HTMLSpanElement [
        Text "Hello,"

I'm deliberately writing this without using HTML syntax, because the DOM is a hierarchical structure (remember: close tags don't exist, wake up sheeple!).

At the second pause, the span tag is fully parsed and the browser remembers where the first half was rendered, so it appends to the existing text node:

HTMLDivElement [
    HTMLSpanElement [
        Text "Hello, World!"

Finally, after parsing the third chunk the browser sees the closing </div> tag and knows that any following nodes append after that associated HTMLDivElement, so we finally end up with:

HTMLDivElement [
    HTMLSpanElement [
        Text "Hello, World!"
HTMLSpanElement [
    Text "Howdy, World!"

There's a lot more nuances to HTML streaming (what happens if I remove the HTMLDivElement during the first pause?) But this should be good enough to understand the rest of this post, so I'll stop there. The aforementioned HTTP 203 video goes into more detail on HTML streaming and with great visual aids. I highly recommend it if this seems interesting to you.

First Node Problem

With that out of the way, I want to build a similar streaming mechanism. Users should call streamDomFragment() and get back a Node which is initially empty with no children. Users can then append it to the DOM wherever they like. As the remaining HTML content is streamed in, it should update that existing root node with the streamed DOM.

I started with a relatively simple implementation which read the HTTP response as a text stream and wrote each chunk to a new document from document.implementation.createHTMLDocument(), since it already implements this streamed parsing behavior.

 * Returns a Node which renders the streamed HTML content
 * from the given response.
export async function streamDomFragment(res: Response):
        Promise<Node> {
    const body = res.body;
    if (!body) throw new Error('...');

    // Convert the `ReadableStream<Uint8Array>` to
    // `AsyncGenerator<string, void, void>`. Omitted for brevity.
    const textStream: AsyncGenerator<string, void, void> =

    // Parse the text to a new `Node` and return it.
    return streamingParse(textStream);

/** Write the text into a new document and return it. */
function streamingParse(
    stream: AsyncGenerator<string, void, void>,
): Node {
    const doc: Document =

    // Read all chunks in the background, don't block the
    // current execution.
    (async () => {
        for await (const chunk of stream) {

    return doc;

Document extends Node, so streamingParse() has a valid return value. However, attempting to append a Document to an existing document doesn't work.

index.ts:17 Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: Failed to
execute 'appendChild' on 'Node': Nodes of type '#document'
may not be inserted inside nodes of type 'MAIN'.

This makes a certain level of sense, you can't put a document inside another document. So we need a Node to append to the document at the start of the stream, but what Node could that be? It should be a <my-tweet /> element, but this code is running before the HTTP response is received, so we don't actually know what the Node will be. It could be <my-other-tweet /> or a dreaded <mean-tweet />.

To solve this, I had to stream enough of the input to parse the root level node and then return that node to be inserted into the document while the rest of the response was received. This was especially tricky given that I needed to consume the rest of the stream asynchronously, so I can't just use for await with a break, since that would close the stream in an un-resumable fashion. I ultimately ended up with:

/** Write the text into a new document and return it. */
async function streamingParse(
    stream: AsyncGenerator<string, void, void>,
): Promise<Node> {
    const doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument();

    // Use the async iterator API to read the stream
    // imperatively until the top-level Node is parsed.
    let root: Node | null = null;
    while (true) {
        // Wait for the next chunk to arrive.
        const it = await;
        if (it.done) throw new Error('Failed to parse a root node out of the stream.');

        // Write the chunk to the streamable document.

        // Look to see if the root node has been parsed.
        root = doc.body.firstChild;
        if (root) break;

    // Read all remaining chunks in the background, but
    // don't block the current execution.
    (async () => {
        for await (const chunk of stream) {

    return root;

It is definitely awkward, but works well enough for this demo.

Streaming Declarative Shadow DOM

Once I had that working I was able to actually see a streamed tweet in the DOM! Well, a streamed tweet without its declarative shadow DOM as the console indicated:

Found declarative shadowroot attribute on a template, but
declarative Shadow DOM has not been enabled by includeShadowRoots.

Apparently document.implementation.createHTMLDocument() does not support declarative shadow DOM and provides no option to enable it. I even found the line in Chromium source code which explicitly turns it off! I have never contributed to Chromium before, but it feels like a pretty trivial change to plumb through an option from JS. I think the main hold up is about bike-shedding the exact option name in the spec.

Absent proper declarative shadow DOM support, it is possible to polyfill the feature. Typically this is done as a one-time transformation over the entire document, since DSD is a parser-only feature by design. However, this streaming use case breaks that invariant since we might stream DSD into an existing document after it has been fully parsed. I adjusted the polyfill to use a MutationObserver and scoped only to the root element of the HTML fragment being pulled into the DOM.

 * Clone the given template and attach it to its parent's
 * shadow root.
function applyDsd(template: HTMLTemplateElement): void {
    const mode = template.getAttribute('shadowroot');
    if (!mode) return;

    // Create a shadow root for its parent and append the content.
    const shadowRoot =
            mode: mode as ShadowRootMode,
    const contents = template.content.cloneNode(true /* deep */);


 * Observes DSD templates added to the `Node` and applies
 * them to their parents.
 function fixupDeclarativeShadowDom(root: Node): () => void {
    // Apply any DSD nodes already parsed. This can happen
    // if a DSD node is in the first chunk.
    if (root.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
        const templates = Array.from(
            (root as Element)
        ) as HTMLTemplateElement[];

        for (const template of templates) {

    // Watch for any further mutations to the `root` node.
    const obs = new MutationObserver((records) => {
        for (const record of records) {
            for (const added of record.addedNodes) {
                // Check if an added node is a DSD element.
                if (!(added instanceof HTMLElement)) continue;
                if (added.tagName !== 'TEMPLATE') continue;

                applyDsd(added as HTMLTemplateElement);

    obs.observe(root, { childList: true, subtree: true });
    return () => obs.disconnect();

/** Write the text into a new document and return it. */
async function streamingParse(
    stream: AsyncGenerator<string, void, void>,
): Promise<Node> {
    const doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument();

    const root: Node = /* ... */;

    // Watch for DSD elements streamed in and apply their contents.
    const stopFixingDsd = fixupDeclarativeShadowDom(root);
    (async () => {
        try {
            for await (const chunk of stream) {
        } finally {
            // Remove the `MutationObserver` once all the
            // content has been streamed.

    return root;

With that, the tweet is actually rendering! Notice how the <my-tweet /> node is immediately created because the server returned it instantly, while the rest of the content streams in afterwards.

Streaming a List

Of course, streaming a single tweet probably is not actually worth the effort. Instead, I would much rather stream a list of tweets into the document one at a time. So I updated the server's HTML fragment response to serve multiple tweets with a delay between each one.

    <template shadowroot="open">
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="/tweet.css">
        <span>Hello world from tweet #1234.</span>
    <script src="/tweet.js" type="module" async></script>

<!-- Delay 250ms. -->

    <template shadowroot="open">
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="/tweet.css">
        <span>Hello world from tweet #4321.</span>
    <script src="/tweet.js" type="module" async></script>

However, when I tried this, I only actually saw one tweet appear.

I eventually came to realize that streamingParse() returns a single Node, but my HTTP response actually contains two top-level <my-tweet /> nodes. It doesn't make sense to return only the first node in the response, because more could stream in and they're left in the document from document.implementation.createHTMLDocument().

To add complexity, I wanted to stream these tweets into a list, meaning I wanted the final rendered DOM to be:


Even if I successfully streamed multiple <my-tweet /> nodes from the response, there's no <li /> tags wrapping them! I also didn't want to include the <ul /> in the HTTP response, because I'm using this stream to apply infinite scroll to an existing <ul /> tag already containing some tweets, I don't want another one for each batch of tweets.

The simple answer is to put the <li /> tags in the HTTP response like so:


Though this breaks abstraction somewhat. <li /> tags aren't really standalone like that and aren't intended to work outside of a <ul /> or <ol /> tag.

Instead I came away with a better approach, stream the top level nodes. Instead of having streamDomFragment() return a single Node which gets automatically updated with its children as they are streamed, let's return an AsyncGenerator<Node>. This generator emits a value for every top-level node in the HTTP response as soon as it is parsed, meaning the node is empty initially. User code can insert this Node in the DOM where desired, and subsequent streamed content will automatically append to that Node until the HTTP response closes it and returns a new root Node.

Usage looks like this:

const list = document.getElementById('ul#tweet-list')!;

const res = await fetch('/tweets');
for await (const myTweetEl of streamDomFragment(res)) {
    // Wrap the tweet in an `<li />` tag.
    const listItem = document.createElement('li');

With this, I have successfully streamed HTML fragments!

As for how to actually implement this, we can use another MutationObserver to watch for additional children added to the root node of the hidden document, and then detach and emit that Node as soon as we see it. The implementation here is especially fun, because we have to use the Iterator API directly instead of a generator because of the MutationObserver callback. At this point, the implementation code snippets tend to get a little involved, so you can check out the repository for the full source if you're interested.

Chunked Streaming

The next step was to make sure my solution was reliable when receiving data in inconsistent ways. So rather than chunking HTTP responses by each tweet, I made the server randomly chunk all the tweets, meaning multiple tweets could be in a single chunk or it may take several chunks to finish a single tweet. As expected, my implementation was very wrong. But it was wrong in two interesting ways!

Chunked Declarative Shadow DOM

The first problem I immediately saw was that tweet content is visually cut off in weird ways:

A screenshot of the Twitter clone implemented with HTML fragments. Five tweets have already been streamed into the document. The first four look as expected, but the last tweet is cut off. It only reads "Hello world" and does not include an "Edit" button.

Sure enough, the response was getting chunked right in the middle of the tweet's declarative shadow DOM.

    <template shadowroot="open">
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="/tweet.css">
        <span>Hello worl

<!-- Delay 250ms -->

d from tweet #1234.</span>
    <script src="/tweet.js" type="module" async></script>

Note that DOM structure can't represent half a tag, either you have a <div /> tag or you don't, there is no in-between. This means that when the browser receives only the first chunk, it actually renders the content:

    <template shadowroot="open">
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="/tweet.css">
        <span>Hello worl</span>

Normally, this is fine, since the parser is aware of this behavior and will update the DOM correctly once the rest of the content streams in. However, since the <template /> tag gets appended to <my-tweet />, it also triggers the MutationObserver and my DSD polyfill, which clones and appends that content directly under <my-tweet />. Doing so deletes the <template /> tag, and any future streamed content gets dropped. So you end up with this DOM structure in the end:

        <link rel="stylesheet" href="/tweet.css">
        <span>Hello worl</span>

The problem here is that HTML streaming is applied as discrete DOM operations with arbitrary pauses based on network activity. Once the next chunk arrives, the browser will update the existing <template /> tag with something like:

dsdTemplate.textContent = '...';

However, there's no way to know when or if that will ever happen. There's also no mechanism for knowing when an HTML element is fully parsed, so we can never be sure that we have the full <template /> tag and all its contents.

Chunk Web Component Upgrades

The second problem was that this.shadowRoot was sometimes null in connectedCallback(). It took quite a bit of debugging, but the exact case is when the browser receives a chunk which looks like this:


And yeah, just that. As soon as the browser sees >, it creates a DOM element for the node and appends it, so the DOM actually looks like:


At this point, the element is connected to the document and invokes connectedCallback(). But since the <template shadowroot="open" /> node hasn't been parsed yet, the shadow root hasn't been added either! This means any work to be done on the shadow root must be done lazily, even after connectedCallback().

This is a bit of pain for a developer, but you can work around it with getters or other programming tricks. However, the use case which really stings is event listeners. It's pretty common to see a pattern like this:

class MyTweet extends HTMLElement {
    connectedCallback(): void {
            .addEventListener('click', this.onEdit);

    disconnectedCallback(): void {
            .removeEventListener('click', this.onEdit);

    // ...

However, this approach completely falls over when streamed because the shadow root won't be attached until after the node is connected. The network could be arbitrarily slow and anything could happen to <my-tweet /> after it is attached. In fact, even disconnectedCallback() can be invoked before the shadow root is attached if the JavaScript code chooses to remove it before any more content is received from the server.

To make matters worse, as far as I could find, there is no hook or event which triggers when the shadow root is attached, meaning there's no way to wait on it before attaching event listeners.

This is particularly troublesome if you want to use this approach to build "hybrid" components, ones which can render on the server and reuse that DOM on the client, but also can render themselves completely client-side when requested. The declarative shadow DOM explainer on even specifically calls out a pattern which directly conflicts with streaming the component's contents:

class MyTweet extends HTMLElement {
    constructor() {

        // WRONG! `this.shadowRoot` could be attached later
        // when the parser gets to the child `<template />`.
        if (!this.shadowRoot) {
            const shadow = this.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' });
            shadow.innerHTML = `<button id="edit">Edit</button>`;

            .addEventListener('click', this.onEdit);

Ignoring the fact that this uses innerHTML and attaches an event listener in the constructor, it just doesn't work in a streaming use case. this.shadowRoot will be null for an unspecified amount of time until the DSD gets parsed and attached. If you call this.attachShadow() in the constructor, then once the DSD downloads it will fail to attach because a shadow root already exists on the element.

You also can't know if the element will ever receive a DSD and as I mentioned earlier there's no hook to know when the element is fully parsed!

This problem technically exists if you eagerly load your custom element's JS and then use DSD in your main HTML response. However as long as you use <script defer /> or <script type="module" /> your JS will wait until all the HTML is parsed, and this isn't an issue. It seems like the HTML fragments use case just happens to fall into this rough edge of DSD streaming.

All of this effectively means - it is really hard to write a web component which is compatible with HTML fragment streaming.

Streaming Complete Chunks

My approach to these two problems is to change the streaming model for HTML just a little bit. Traditionally, streamed HTML renders each node into DOM immediately when the start tag is received by the browser and then continues to append their contents as they arrive from the server until the end tag is reached. This always struck me as a bit non-ideal, since it can easily show content which isn't meant to be laid out or viewed without subsequent nodes. This can cause of cumulative layout shift (CLS) for example if you've streamed your main content into the page, but haven't streamed the right side panel just yet and didn't account for that case in your CSS.

While non-ideal, I can understand that it's tricky for developers to communicate to the browser when and how to stream different parts of the HTML document into browser DOM. In the context of a streamed HTML fragment however, developers' have a bit more context around the exact usage of this particular piece of DOM and the best way to stream it.

Based around this, instead of appending empty nodes to the DOM and letting the browser lazily fill them in, let's instead wait until the node is fully parsed and only then append the completed node into the DOM.

This means the node is fully rendered to the DOM before it is ever visible to the user and the DSD operation can happen as a one-time transform over the DOM with all the template contents and without risking splitting the template in half.

But didn't I just say there's no way to know when a node is fully parsed? Well, the node won't give you any signal, but its sibling will suddenly appear. Consider this minimal example:

<my-tweet id="1"></my-tweet>
<my-tweet id="2"></my-tweet>

my-tweet#1 never signals that it is done parsing, but a MutationObserver can detect that my-tweet#2 was appended to the DOM, and if the parser got to the second tweet, it must have already full parsed the first one.

The tricky part with this strategy in general is that the DOM is a hierarchical structure, not a linear one. Tracking when a deeply nested node is fully parsed is quite tricky, and streaming intermediate nodes requires them to exist in two different documents at the same time. It basically requires you to reimplement HTML streaming in user-land, which I definitely don't want to do here.

However, in the context of streamed HTML fragment, we have root nodes in the HTTP response which are much more amenable to this approach. As soon as my-tweet#2 is appended to the background document, detach my-tweet#1 and append it to the DOM! This provides an excellent time to apply the DSD polyfill, knowing that the element is fully parsed. It also looks great as a user, since there is only one repaint when a new tweet is fully received, no rendered half-tweets!

This approach was never the intention of this design and it's kind of a hack to workaround the lack of native DSD support in the streaming DOM APIs. However, I actually like the end result a lot better and find it much easier to work with as a developer.

Custom element constructors and field initializers

We're not done yet though! I've got one more interesting behavior I discovered along the way. Does anything look strange with this snippet?

class UserComponent extends HTMLElement {
  public name?: string;
customElements.define('my-user', UserComponent);

const el = document.createElement('my-user') as UserComponent; = 'devel';
console.log(; // 'devel'

const doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument();
const el2 = doc.createElement('my-user') as UserComponent; = 'devel';
console.log(; // undefined

Yes, you did read that right and I was just as perplexed! The second log statement does in fact print undefined. Well, it does if you're using target: 'ES2022' or greater in your tsconfig.json. This took me quite a while to wrap my head around and I had to call in some air support from #WebComponents Twitter to figure it out. Let me explain.

Class Fields Proposal

The class fields proposal was recently accepted into the ECMAScript (JavaScript) standard 🎉. This means it's now valid JavaScript to write:

class User {
    name = 'devel';

This used to be a purely TypeScript feature, but that is no longer the case. If you use target: 'ES2022' (and don't set useDefineForClassFields: false), then TypeScript will actually generate this as JS output.

Omitted Initializers

However, initializers are optional and can be omitted. That means it is also valid JS to write:

class User {

new User().name will be left undefined as you might expect. What you might not expect is that it is assigned to undefined. That means that regardless of whatever value it had before, it will now be undefined. This isn't typically easy to observe in practice, since constructors generally construct things from scratch. But you can see this by extending a class and overriding a property:

class User {
    name = 'devel';

class Employee extends User {

console.log(new Employee().name); // `undefined`.

You can also see this in custom elements because a custom element constructor is invoked when a DOM element is upgraded which can happen after the element is already constructed. This means you have an easy opportunity to put data on the object before the constructor is invoked, and when it's invoked, any class fields will be assigned to their initializer, including those without an initializer.

const el = document.createElement('my-user'); = 'devel';
console.log(; // 'devel'

class UserComponent extends HTMLElement {
customElements.define('my-user', UserComponent); // Upgrading...

console.log(; // undefined

This makes it look like defining my web component is deleting a property on an existing object! If that isn't a "spooky action at a distance", I don't know what is!

Are you starting to the see the connection here? There's still one missing piece. If TS in ES2022 generates JS class field initializers which cause custom element upgrades to delete existing properties on an object, why isn't this a bigger deal? Web components supports lazy upgrades by design, wouldn't this happen for all kinds of custom elements usage?

Upgrade Timing

It turns out, no. Because usually a web component is upgraded immediately. Recall the initial example, but now with an added log in the constructor:

class UserComponent extends HTMLElement {
  public name?: string;

  constructor() {
customElements.define('my-user', UserComponent);

const el = document.createElement(
    'my-user') as UserComponent; // Logs 'Constructed!' = 'devel';
console.log(; // 'test'

const doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument();
const el2 = doc.createElement('my-user') as UserComponent; = 'devel';
document.body.append(el2); // Logs 'Constructed!'
console.log(; // undefined

Why does the first one work and the second one fail? Notice how the first case is constructed at document.createElement() while the second one is constructed at document.body.append(). The reasoning for this is because document.implementation.createHTMLDocument() is considered inert, meaning it's inactive and does not run scripts. This is similar to HTMLTemplateElement.prototype.contents. After all, you wouldn't want a <template /> tag to execute its contents, bind event listeners, and corrupt your global page state. You expect to first clone the <template /> and then have it corrupt your global page state.

Since document is not inert, a new my-user node gets upgraded immediately on creation. But since doc is inert, it doesn't get upgraded until it is "adopted" to an active document. This happens implicitly with document.body.append() which invokes the constructor then.

These subtle timing differences mean construction is delayed until after property initialization which results in any class fields being reset to undefined. It's this weirdly specific combination of three completely unrelated nuances:

  1. TypeScript now generates JS class fields.
  2. Class fields without initializers overwrite any existing data to undefined.
  3. Inert documents don't upgrade custom elements on creation.

While debugging this was quite involved, the fix is relatively straightforward. All we need to do is force the element to upgrade when we create it, prior to setting any properties. We can do this by adopting the element into the main document with either document.importNode() or document.adoptNode().

We can fix our original snippet by doing:

class UserComponent extends HTMLElement {
  public name?: string;
customElements.define('my-user', UserComponent);

const doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument();
const el = doc.createElement('my-user') as UserComponent;

// Upgrades here.
const imported = document.importNode(el, true /* deep */); = 'devel';
console.log(; // 'devel'

I won't pretend to understand the difference between importNode() and adoptNode() because I honestly don't. All I understand is that importNode() copies its input while adoptNode() actually moves the node by detaching it from its current document and attaching it to the new document. Also it seems that importNode() implicitly upgrades any custom elements while adoptNode() does not and you need to manually call customElements.upgrade().

At least all we need to do to solve this is add document.importNode() to the streaming HTML fragment implementation, so the fix was easy.

But wait, there's more!

First HTML Fragment

document.importNode() only upgrades custom elements which are already defined. It can't upgrade elements which have not been defined yet!

In the case of HTML fragments, a web component's definition is intended to be self contained in its own fragment.

    <template shadowroot="open">
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="/tweet.css">
        <span>Here is a tweet!</span>

    <!-- `my-tweet` is defined here. -->
    <script src="/tweet.js" type="module" async></script>

This presents a bit of a paradox. Consider the following constraints:

  1. We can't set a property on the <my-tweet /> node until after the element is upgraded, or the property will be deleted on upgrade.
  2. The first time <my-tweet /> is appended to the DOM, it won't upgrade until customElements.define('my-tweet', MyTweet); is executed from the <script /> tag.
  3. The <script /> tag does not execute until after <my-tweet /> is appended to the DOM.

There is simply no convenient opportunity to set properties on a streamed custom element. You have to append it to the DOM, wait for the script to be executed, and only then set the properties you want on a element.

My solution to this is a preloadScripts() function which finds all <script /> tags in the fragment and appends them to the DOM to execute them and wait for their completion. This is definitely a hack, but as I mentioned in the last post, HTML modules should be able to fix this particular issue. Basically, you use it like this:

import { streamDomFragment, preloadScripts } from './dom.js';
import type { MyTweet } from './tweet.js';

const res = await fetch('/tweets');
for await (const fragment of streamDomFragment(res)) {
    // `fragment` is a new `Fragment` type, holding the
    // contents of the HTML fragment. Important this is
    // *not* a `Node`; it can't be used in the DOM directly.

    // const tweet = fragment.cloneContent() as MyTweet;
    // WRONG! While we can clone the HTML fragment like a
    // `HTMLTemplateElement`, we shouldn't cast it to
    // `MyTweet` because that script hasn't executed yet.
    // Any setters or methods defined in that class aren't
    // loaded and can't be used yet.

    // Execute the `<script />` tags in the fragment to make
    // sure any custom elements are defined. `MyTweet` is
    // upgraded here.
    await fragment.preloadScripts();

    // RIGHT! Cast is valid *now* since `MyTweet` is defined.
    // Setters and methods are functional now.
    const tweet = fragment.cloneContent() as MyTweet;


My suggestion is that whenever you use an HTML fragment as a pre-rendered web component, you should always call preloadScripts() before casting to that web component's type.

streamDomFragment() could do that automatically, but I don't think it actually should because any other side effects in the script would be applied before its containing fragment is actually in the document. For example, you could not do:

    <button id="hi">Say hi!</button>
        // Error: `document.getElementById('hi')` is `null`
        // because it's executed in `preloadScripts()`, prior to
        // the `<button />` being appended to the DOM.
        document.getElementById('hi').addEventListener('click', () => {

The framework designer in me wants to make a separate streamWebComponents() API which assumes / asserts that you're streaming custom elements and auto-preloads scripts to reduce the likelihood of misuse, but this is all experimental so let's not overthink it just yet.

Alternatively you can use target: 'ES2020' or earlier. You can also set useDefineForClassFields: false to tell TypeScript not to generate real JS class fields, but those both seem like short term solutions given that TypeScript is just mimicking JavaScript behavior. HTML modules would codify the right behavior in my opinion, and I think that's the long term fix for this issue. Although figuring out how to make that work with this kind of streaming model is a entirely new scale of problem.


Whew! That's a lot of nonsense to get through, but in the end we have a very smooth Twitter clone which can stream tweets with only the snippet:

import { streamDomFragment } from './dom.js';

const tweetsList = document.querySelector('ul#tweet-list');
const streamTweetsBtn =

streamTweetsBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {
    // Fetch an HTML fragment of multiple tweets.
    const res = await fetch('/tweets');
    if (res.status() >= 400) throw new Error('...');

    // Stream the results.
    for await (const tweet of streamDomFragment(res)) {
        // Each time we receive a tweet, wrap it in an
        // `<li />` tag and append it to the list.
        const li = document.createElement('li');

I'd say that's mission accomplished.

There are a few details I skipped over. For example, did you know that a ShadowRoot can't be cloned? This required some hacks to clone the declarative shadow DOM in an HTML fragment before it gets converted to a real ShadowRoot.

I learned quite a few interesting things here:

  • document.implementation.createHTMLDocument() allows you to manually stream HTML.
  • You can't stream the way HTML normally streams because DSD and <script /> tags aren't natively supported and aren't feasible to implement in user-space.
  • You also probably don't want to stream in the typical manner because the web component lifecycle becomes untenable.
  • You can stream by waiting for individual top-level elements, and this actually works out much more conveniently for developers.
  • TypeScript now generates JS class fields in ES2022+.
  • JS class fields without initializers can "delete" data from an existing object.
  • Web components parsed from another document get upgraded too late and lose any assigned properties.
  • The HTML fragments pattern loads custom element definitions after appending them to the DOM, making property initialization much more difficult.
  • All these points combined lead to a lot of pain and suffering...

You can check out the full source code on GitHub and play around with it. Let me know what you think or try it out yourself!

I was expecting this project to only take a couple hours and 3 weeks later, I think it may have fallen a little out of hand. But I know just the solution...
