SheSpeaks Influencer Application & Rate Request: Ajinomoto Shumai Dumplings

SheSpeaks has an exciting opportunity with Ajinomoto. We're looking for influencers to share engaging, delicious content featuring Ajinomoto Shumai Dumplings. Please answer the questions below and provide us with your rate.

We are primarily looking for influencers on Instagram who have 20K+ followers and are frequent Costco customers

We are looking for creators in the following states: Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Utah, and Washington. Creators should also be able to visit and shop at one of the locations on this list: Eligible Store List. Please check the list to see if there is a store that is within driving distance from you.


1 (one) Instagram in-feed reel (15 seconds or less)
1 (one) Instagram Story (3 frames total - mix of static & video)
1 share to story - in-feed post


Timing: Content will be created in late May (week after Memorial Day Holiday) and drafts will be due in early June. Content will go live beginning June 7.

*Please do not apply if you will not able to shop for, create and deliver content during the dates outlined above. *

ExclusivityAgree to not post any sponsored social content within the dumpling category for 30 days (15 days before and 15 days after the go-live date).

Usage: Allow SheSpeaks, the brand and retailer the rights to use your content on brand website, social channels and paid media usage for 1 year after publishing your content.

If you have questions, please email Stephanie Caruso
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What is your name? *
What is your age?  *
What is your email address? *
Please indicate which of these gender identities best describes you. *
What do you consider yourself?  *
Please confirm you are a U.S. resident.  *
Where are you located? (City, State)
*Note- Eligible States: Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Utah, and Washington
Are you a SheSpeaks member? If so, what is your username or email address you use to sign into your SheSpeaks account?
Please confirm that you are available to shop for the products in late-May, share draft photos/videos & captions by early June and publish content on or about June 7?  Please note the holiday falls on Monday, May 27th. If you are not able to create content during these outlined dates, please not apply.  *
Instagram Link (ex: or put N/A  *
How many followers do you have on Instagram?  *
Please confirm that you agree to a rate of $2,000 for the following on Instagram:  1 (one) Instagram in-feed reel and 1 (one) Instagram Story (3 frame minimum each), draft content to be shared early June & published on or about June 7th. Provide SheSpeaks with full resolution video/photo files for usage in specs to be provided. Agree to not post any sponsored social content within the dry seasoning category for 30 days total (15 days prior to and 15 days after going live), and agree to give the brand/retailer and SheSpeaks the usage rights to repost any content within their social channels, website and for media for 1 year after content goes live.  *
Have you done sponsored or organic content in the last 3 months for competitive dumpling brands other than Ajinomoto? Let us know below or write N/A *
Of this eligible store list, which state or Costco location would you be able to shop? (Eligible Store List) *
Please provide a link to a post where you enjoy a frozen meal/ appetizer as a product focus. We're looking for awesome photos/videos that align with the themes of this campaign and that can showcase how delicious these dumplings are!
Please share your content ideas for this campaign!  How might you enjoy and feature Ajinomoto Shumai Dumplings at Costco in a way that brings the product to life for your audience? Please be specific as we will be sharing your ideas with the brand as we pitch you for this program. 
Please let us know why you think you'd be a good fit to create content for this program. We share this information with the client so this is your chance to sell yourself and tell us what sets you apart!
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