Design Startup in 15 months - 12k+ resources

Hello Everyone!
I am really excited to share the www.uihut.com Platform with 12000+ Design Resources in this community. UI HUT is a design platform for UX/UI designers, developers, and project managers. Instead of spending your time on a variety of tasks during the design process, UI HUT allows you to focus on what you love most. From last year our team working so hard to achieve our goal. That’s really excited for us that we getting users so rapidly and our user's feedbacks inspiring us to expand our services and features.


1000+ web Templates UI

2500+ Illustration

7000+ Icons

500+ Mobile Screen UI

100+ Web App UI

We are uploading Those&more design templates Everyday
Our Website www.uihut.com
Thanks a lot, everyone for your time

  1. 2

    Very very cool! Added to my huge collection of bookmarks. How did you build this? NoCode or custom? And out of interest: how did you manage to get so many resources? I am assuming partners? How much do you keep from your revenue in that case... or am I wrong?

  2. 2

    Great resource & amazing collection for designers <3

  3. 1

    It is worth having this collection, Thanks for what you have come with :D

  4. 1

    This is amazing ! This whole concept of paying a certain price monthly to gain access to a ton of resources has always been something amazing in my opinion, and seeing one in the design field makes me even more happy ! I'm also launching my first digital product fairly soon ! Good luck guys !

  5. 1

    Good luck Mansural, it looks great and I will totally use it someday. The prices are attractive as well.
    I have a few issues with the UX:

    1. You can't open an item in a new tab, it's not a link, it's JavaSript navigation, which is bad experience.
    2. Filters don't get saved in the URL - if I'll want to share my friend with the portfolio templates, I'll have to tell him to click on the correct filter, instead of giving him a URL that already got this parameter.
    3. When you go back from an item, your filters got reset and you need to re-choose your filters.
    4. When you move from the resources page to an item, the page flickers for a few milliseconds
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