The 15 best startup books to help you get your business off the ground

submitted this link on October 3, 2022
  1. 5

    Honestly, I would focus on building and launching SOMETHING before you read another book.

    You can't get good at skateboarding by reading about it, same with building businesses.

    1. 1

      As a developer I found it useful to read about about the importance of marketing, customer centrism and concrete method for working with both. Building is the least of my worries.

  2. 3

    Great list. Just had a friend recommend "The Mom Test" and I wish I would have read it sooner.


    1. 1

      The mom test is great. Another similar book is called "Hooked." It's basically about building sticky applications.

  3. 1

    Great list! I agree with some of the comments that you have to find a balance between reading books or just trying to launch something.
    Nonetheless, I read "Founders at work" some years ago and really found the stories inspirational. I should re-read it again.

  4. 1

    Such a great list, with a few I've never considered. Have you ever read Lost and Founder - Rand Fishkin or The Messy Middle - Belsky? They're great and were instrumental to my mindset when working in a startup!

    Can't wait to see your next recommendations

  5. 1

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  6. 1

    This is a great list. Thanks for sharing. I'd also add "The Mom Test" to this list.

    For any of you who want to organize a book reading list, I'd recommend you check out Freetime (iOS). You can also organize all sorts of other media in one app (movies, tv, apps, podcasts, etc.). It's pretty neat!


  7. 1

    Thanks for sharing!

    I would add to this list a few more ebooks on SaaS pricing, taxes, AI, and other growth hacks. Hope you will find it helpful as well!

  8. 1

    Sometimes, I've found reading a book before doing something delays me and often means I miss my own goals. I've been subscribing to newsletters like https://tldr.tech/. This keeps me in-the-know whilst also gives me some time to think about how I can learn from the short articles and what would I do if I found myself in similar situations to that discussed in the newsletter.

  9. 1

    Zero to One” by Peter Thiel" This is my favorite book. That have read it. This book change my life and thinking power during business or professional decision.

  10. 1

    Thanks for this list. Very helpful.

  11. 1

    Thanks! The Minimalist Entrepeneur is also a fresh and modern take on building indie startups. I am currently applying Sahil's ideation frameworks by focusing on problems of growing online communities.

    1. 1

      I'm currently reading this one too and I recommend it.

  12. 1

    I was looking for something like this

  13. 1

    Thanks for recommendations

  14. 1

    Good books I'm grateful. You may also view. https://www.pettihome.shop/

  15. 1

    Great list. A friend of mine introduced me the B2B Innovators Map and it’s been chock full of great guidance. Highly recommend!

    The B2B Innovator’s Map: How to Get from Idea to Your First Ten Customers https://a.co/d/9uveGhx

  16. 1

    Good recommendartions. Steve Blank's stuff is great.

    I'd also add Rework and Getting Real by DHH and Jason Fried.

  17. 1

    Zero to One by Peter Thiel has been on my list for a while because I have seen it recommended so many times. But hype also makes me wary. Has anyone else read this book? What did you think of it?

    1. 2

      I have read half of it and for me it seemed more relevant to someone trying to start the next Tesla, Google etc. vs the indie crowd. Maybe I'm missing something, perhaps I'll give it another go.

    2. 1

      “Zero to One” is not the ONLY book on startups but in all domains that I finished within two days, I got hooked from the beginning!

      It's true that it is not targeting indies with small side projects, as @carnera mentioned, but it will give you the chance to view how doing business may look like from another perspective. The author keep repeating two, close, fundamental rules, the first is "competition is for losers" where the second one is mainly, an explanation of the first, which is "build something that is 10x better than the crowd". Achieving this is, generally, through a "technology-breakthrough"

      To conclude, here is the book as a talk by the author himself, it should give you a strong idea about the book so you can decide to read it or not.


  18. 1

    Brilliant list. I've only heard of 3 of them. It makes a change from all the obvious suggestions. I'm definitely going to check out The Startup Owner's Manual and The Hard Thing About Hard Things. Both are just what I was looking for.👍

  19. 0

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