I turned a series of Twitter threads into an info product that generated 1000$ overnight

Hey IH 👋

In February this year I had just about 100 Twitter followers and no products to my name. Now (~30 days after) I have over 1300 followers and I pre-launched an info product that generated 1000$ in the first 24h.

Here's the story 👇

This year like any other year I made some new year resolutions. They've been the same for the past few years 😅

Make my first $ online, write more, build an audience, etc. This year, however, something felt different.

In February I decided to build my first side-project in years. I started tweeting about it as I made progress. Then I pre-launched on Twitter and It bombed big time. 0 traction. That wasn't the point though. I needed to prove myself that I still had that shipping muscle somewhere within me.

It also helped me get more comfortable tweeting about the things I was doing. One of these tweets did "particularly" well and reached just shy of 1000 impressions. It was a two-part thread on how I built a simple UI component using Hotwire, a technology that I've been using daily for the past 2 years at my day job.

1000 impressions really isn't all that much. But it was significantly better than what my other tweets were getting. I also happened to see Surjith go through a 30-day series of TailwindCSS tips. I figured I could try something similar, but with Hotwire instead.

I released the first thread in the series on February 19th and it "blew up". Lots of bigger accounts retweeted it. It got tens of thousands of impressions overnight.

I kept posting Hotwire tips consistently for 30 days. After the series finished I had collected 750k impressions (an average of 25000 per day) and over 1200 new followers.

More importantly I picked up on a common request that kept coming both in the comments and in my DMs. People were asking me to turn this series into something that they could use to learn more about this technology and copy-paste code from.

A few days after the end of the series I asked people what they wanted to see from a hypothetical info product. I got great feedback and ideas.

The day after, I tweeted a simple LemonSqueezy checkout link to preorder this hypothetical product for 50$. I wanted at least 10 preorders before committing time into creating the content.

I received 10 preorders in under two hours. Over 20 in total, overnight. I had turned a simple series of Twitter threads into an info product that paid me 1000$ overnight.

I'm now very busy writing the content for the HotwireCookbook. I want to make it as useful as it can possibly be. I'm incredibly excited for reaching this big first-online-dollar milestone and even more so for what's to come.

  1. 1

    I'm glad you're sharing your adventure with us. Please keep updating this post as you go along. I'm excited to see what will happen next.

  2. 1

    Congrats. Thanks for the great idea of a series on Twitter. I will try it.

    1. 1

      Thanks! 🙏 Good luck 🚀

  3. 1

    Wow, what an incredible journey you've had in such a short amount of time! It's amazing how you turned your passion for Hotwire into not only a series of helpful Twitter threads but also a successful info product.

    Your story is a testament to the power of consistency, sharing your knowledge, and being responsive to your audience's needs. Keep up the fantastic work, and I can't wait to see what you accomplish next! 🚀

    1. 1

      Thanks David! Appreciate it 🙏

      As much as it sounds cliche - consistency really is the name of the game.

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