Why do you Build in Public?

I am starting on this and I was wondering if it is worthy or what are you looking for to do it?

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    I like doing it because of quite a few reasons

    1. You feel part of a community. I can be lonely building by yourself, but by joining others who are building in public you get a real sense of solidarity. At least I do 😄 I also love seeing others building stuff, and want to be involved with them.
    2. Extension from 1., but you can get feedback from others about what you are building (e.g. if a design A looks better than design B) and receive answers to any questions you may have. It's super useful
    3. Not sure what the correct word is for it, but I feel like it's calming for my mind to write the stuff I'm thinking about down somewhere. So why not do it in public since it has all the added benefits I mentioned above? It's also nice to read it all back and reflect on your journey.
    4. I guess there's also a marketing part of it? I'm not anywhere close to that yet (~100 followers), but even at this scale I feel like it's beneficial.
    1. 1

      Thank you for the insightful reply. I thought it was more of marketing for founders and community for devs.
      As a marketer sometimes I don't fully get what is in some threads.
      I guess I will need to create a hashtag for marketers haha or at least encourage them to share the newsletters, copies and ads we prepare, idk.

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    As @upenv said, most use Twitter for this.

    Twitter is to indie hackers what LinkedIn is to professionals.

    Personally, it's about building a personal brand and connecting with others. Lots of great people to meet on the platform.

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      This! But somehow I'm having a hard time getting the audience in Twitter. I'm having more luck with YouTube.

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        Keep it up.

        If you're putting out interesting tweets every day and providing value to others by interacting with them, there's no way you can lose on a long enough time horizon.

        I'm also starting out, but I truly believe this.

        Good luck, you got this.

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          I agree 100% on that "long enough time horizon" quote, thanks for it!

          What other platforms do you use apart from twitter and IH for building in public?

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            yw! That's about it, I just got started and I'm figuring it out. Tbh I'm thinking of also posting on LinkedIn and see what happens.

            1. 2

              Thanks for letting me know!

              I just saw your app to schedule posts on LinkedIn.

              If I start building in public there, I will give it a try 😄

      2. 1

        How do you do it on Youtube? Is it easier to gain more reach?
        I would love to see your channel and get some inspo :)
        As I said before, I also made some videos but didn't get any feedback.

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          Have not yet been consistent with pushing out content, but I'm continuously increasing in subscriber and view count.

          YouTube can also surface your content even if it's a year ago. With Twitter, I doubt your tweet will show on anyone's feed after a couple of weeks.

          It's still a baby channel but here's my link

          1. 1

            Thank you! Looks really promising :)
            Good point about the reach over time, didn't thought about it.

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      Thank you!
      Now I can see the benefits clear but I find it tiring to post every update to just get some favs and not answers. Maybe it is just my experience, idk.

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        I definitely get what you're talking about. I basically have a brand new account and I saw more interaction when I added to the discussion of an existing tweet, rather than my own.

        1. 1

          nice tip, I will try to participate more :) Thx!

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    Founder of Micro SaaS HQ - Building the biggest ecosystem of Micro SaaS Builders. This is often asked question to me.

    If you are a dev, you will be naturally more inclined to build features rather than talking to customers and doing marketing and sales. Come out of this loop has been tough for most dev founders to get ‘that traction.’

    Build In Public - This is the latest trend where most devs keep posting updates typically on social media as they make progress. This could be posting about the landing page they designed, getting the first signup, creating a waitlist, spinning infrastructure, showing the cost of infrastructure, and showing the first paying customer. Note that ‘build in public’ is not always about the positive things. You can also post things like payment bills, hitting churn, losing customers, your product getting hacked, etc. too. Anything and everything that people like to know can come under ‘BuildInPublic’.

    This strategy is typically used on Twitter. See more here on the latest Tweets around this hashtag: #buildinpublic https://twitter.com/search?q=%23buildinpublic

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    Couple of reasons:

    1. It's forcing me to come out of my shell, so to speak. I'm an introvert, and therefore I'm inclined to just keep my head down and code. Pushing commits is nice, but my app will never get anywhere if my marketing is lackluster and I never do outreach in the community my app serves.
    2. I really like seeing others sharing the progress they make, and I want add to that.
    3. Indie hacking a SaaS product is a long road filled with solving many small problems over time. Not many people do this, and so the experience can sometimes feel a little lonely. Sharing helps it feel less lonely.
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      Love these reasons, I can totally relate to the first one (a shy marketer here!), so you do it to create a personal bran. How much do you spend posting?

      About 2nd and 3rd, I agree but most of the time I am procrastinating, feeling slow or losing too much time seeing what others are doing. How much time do you spend seeing the community? Do you follow any honest accounts I can take a look?

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        Really, I'm just getting started with the build in public thing. So I'm still trying to find balance on the time I spend sharing or learning from others who share.

        Like I want to quickly share my progress, find helpful content from other creators that is actually relevant to me, and avoid wasting time by constantly checking how many likes my last tweet got. I've got to figure out how to keep that balance. It probably will involve blocking some sites (including IH!) during times when I have the opportunity to do focused work.

        1. 1

          Totally! I have to block IH too, too much interesting info!
          I wil focus on sharing more than consuming. Thx!

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    I try to build in public, I've written blog posts about what I've done and how things went. I try tweeting regularly but I really don't like tweeting regularly. But I'm still mainly building in public.

    And here is why, the product I'm working on is basically a SaaS boilerplate (https://getparthenon.com). I decided unlike everyone else with a SaaS boilerplate I didn't want to take money from indie hackers. I want to charge companies money. So instead of having a closed-source library/framework/boilerplate. I decided to make it source available and allow anyone making less than 5k MRR to use it for free. With a $250 USD license. (basically the Jetbrains pricing model). So since it's source available, I could make it public on GitHub.

    Since it's available on GitHub and it's something people will be building on top of, it's fair that they would want to know what direction the product is going in, how often it's updated, etc.

    So I've created a public issue board on GitHub that is easy to find and in the readme.md for the project - https://github.com/orgs/getparthenon/projects/3.

    I literally build it in public in the monorepo. Which then forks out to the bundle repo and the skeleton application repo.

    I've gone further and even started to document the design decisions within the code. So people can truly see what I was thinking while building it. Which can be found at https://getparthenon.com/docs/design-decisions.

    All this so people can see the building going on. This is all while I continue to blog about tech stuff which is often related to what I'm building. And if they're an indie hacker they can see mines is a different level to others and really providing a flexible solid foundation which will continue to get better. And if they're working at an agency or inhouse they can see it's built for all scales and allow them to grow an application with ease instead of having to workaround issues.

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      So you do it mostly for marketing because your buyer persona are devs and indie hackers right? Are you looking for feedback or is it more just to keep users updated?

      Also as you said you don't like tweeting, do you use other social media for this?

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        Some of it is marketing. If you're constantly reading about design decisions and why I made them, as a techie you're interested and you eventually remember the project.

        The other part is to remove the risk. When you're building tech on top of other tech, your biggest risk is will it just disappear. Building in public shows the level of effort going into it. It shows that it's very unlikely to just disappear. Also, you want to know what the roadmap will be like, if you're a non-technical person who can understand the roadmap you're more likely to agree to go forward with that product.

        Realistically my buyer persona is the CEO,COO,CTO sort of people. I want to target businesses. And when it comes to the tech you build on, that decision is normally not made by technical people. Technical people make recommendations but they normally don't make the decisions. For indie hackers, I just give them it for free.

        1. 1

          Interesting point of view and mindset. Thank you for the insight!
          I didn't think about who uses the product vs who makes the decisions.

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