How to automate drip emails when someone signs up?

Hey fellow hackers,

What softwares or SaaS do you use to trigger drip marketing campaigns when certain events occur in your SaaS, like someone signs up?

How do you actually trigger the campaign from code? Let's suppose the app is built using Nextjs.

Any help will be greatly appreciated as I am a novice in marketing.

posted to
on February 1, 2023
  1. 3

    I would recommend either convert kit or mailer lite! On both you can tag users and start automated email sequences easily.

    1. 1

      Agreed with both of these. They're well-designed and flexible services.

  2. 2

    There's this open source tool https://trigger.dev, its great for all sorts of automation including email.

    They have an example at https://docs.trigger.dev/examples/resend for your exact use case.

    1. 1

      It was trending on Hacker News the other day. I also saw this but don't know if it will be a turn key solution or require some lengthy setup and maintenance thereafter.

  3. 2

    To automate drip emails when someone signs up, you can use an email marketing service, such as Mailchimp, Drip, or ConvertKit. These services allow you to create an email sequence that will be sent to new subscribers automatically, based on a schedule you set.

  4. 1

    Have you checked out "BayEngage" (TargetBay's automated & campaign email platform)? It will automate everything for you (Welcome/signup/subscribe, all the way to abandoned cart emails, price drop, subscription reminders, and Exit intent or thank you for your order/business... AND, it's a lot less expensive that what I thought it would be. Go to "targetbay.com", or you can reach the VP of e-commerce marketing strategy directly at "[email protected]"

  5. 1

    Tons of options, personally I've used:

    • Mailchimp
    • Active campaign
    • Convertkit
    • HubSpot (currently using)

    Hated active campaign's email builder, I found it to be super buggy and the app was overall slow for me.

    Convertkit was decent. Simple to use but I found its list management a bit inflexibile and its forms tended to look less-than-stellar once embedded on my site so I switched to HubSpot starter which I'm very happy with*

    If you want something a bit more bespoke (and cheap), you could use Zapier and Postmark, I use Postmark for my app's emails (password resets, notifications, etc) and you can set up an automated flow with that.

    *I used to work at HubSpot so I am biased.

  6. 1

    If you use Linux:

    What about just set up a cronjob to run every 24 hours?

    Check the # of days left in each trial signup.

    Send email accordingly.

  7. 1

    There is a free tool called mautic that is good for email automation. It's not a pretty tool, but it does the job.


  8. 1

    You need to subscribe to a specific workflow... here's an example using NodeJS:


    You can do something similar using NextJS APIs

  9. 1

    You can do that with our software https://MailRush.io
    You can trigger and API call or Zapier call to add them to a drip campaign.

  10. 1

    Hi, check out this guide: https://sidemail.io/docs/set-up-onboarding-sequence/.

    It explains how to send an onboarding sequence for SaaS. With Node.js runnable code example.

    You'll send data about your users via API. When new data arrive, Sidemail checks whether the new data match automation trigger conditions. If there's a match, Sidemail schedules all emails in the email sequence for delivery.

    I'm a co-founder of Sidemail.io. If you need any help, please do let me know ([email protected]). I'll be happy to assist.

  11. 1

    Intercom has smart campaigns which are ideal for marketing automation, although they're more expensive than some of the other solutions mentioned here.

  12. 1

    You can send add users to a list in your email tool when they sign up. Then set up an automation to start when a new user is added to a list. At Saga.so we are using Sendgrid which does the job.

  13. 1

    Sendinblue has some great options for this.

    Go to their "automations" tab and "create new workflow".

    With nextjs you could use an api route to subscribe someone to a "customers" list a have joining that list be a trigger to start the workflow.

  14. 0

    To set up an automated drip email system, you first need to choose your email marketing platform.
    Make sure to research different platforms to find the one that best meets your needs. Once you have chosen a platform, you can start setting up your automated emails.
    Start by creating a series of emails that introduce new users to your product and educate them on its features and benefits.
    Set the emails to be sent out at intervals that are appropriate for your product and the user's journey.

    1. 2

      This reads like something written with Chat GPT...

      1. 1

        Chat GPT is still working for you ?

        1. 1

          I don't use it, but I've read enough examples recognize its output.

          1. 1

            Well, you are wrong, its not Chat GPT :)

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