Examples of using Facebook groups to grow your business?

I'm looking for examples of Indiehackers using Facebook groups to grow their business/newsletter..

Do you have any tips or resources that you followed to get these results?

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      For sure. Lot's of groups full of spam, but the few I found like Booking Koala has been really good. There's people discussing problems in these sorts of groups all the time, so there is lots of value to share there..

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    I realized with all types of communities or groups you need to be fully engaged.

    There is no silver bullet. You can't automate it with AI. You can't just spam with your product. The community feels it and you will be blocked eventually.

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      True. An AI comment basically means you don't give a damn about the post, you are just there to farm engagement or whatever they looking for.. Don't see the point in this as I just instantly ignore the comment and leaves a bad first impression.

      There's no quick and easy hack to engage with a human like a human haha

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        I hope in 5 years we still will be able to distinguish between AI and real human :D

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    Engage with them, like, share comment on their posts, start a conversation with them. Post educational, informative posts, occasionally add a sales post if offering discount code. If receive a testimonial share as proof of your service.

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      I guess it's as simple as that. Have you used Facebook groups for your product?

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        I post valuable content in FB groups too other than medium(but I love medium more).

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    Thanks for starting this, needed this!

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    Hey IndieHackers,

    I run a digital marketing agency, GHL Starboys, and we're struggling with scaling our client communication effectively. As we grow, keeping track of conversations and project updates is getting tougher. Any tools or strategies you'd recommend for this?

    Also, I'd love some feedback on our approach, which you can see at ghl starboys. Thanks!

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