SheSpeaks Influencer Application & Rate Request: IAMS See a Visible Difference Influencer Campaign

SheSpeaks has an exciting opportunity with IAMS dog and cat food. The goal of the IAMS See a Visible Difference campaign is to feature the visible difference IAMS has made in their pet's wellbeing, promote that veterinarians recommend IAMS and encourage shoppers to sign up online for the IAMS See a Visible Difference Challenge. 

The ideal campaign content will speak to the long and short term results of IAMS products through testimonial videos, storytelling and lifestyle content.

Please answer the questions below and provide us with your rate. We are primarily looking for female/male influencers on Instagram and TikTok, who are U.S. residents with over 10K followers, and are interested in participating in the IAMS See a Visible Difference Challenge.

2 (two) Instagram Reels
2 (two) Instagram Story Sets (3 frames)
1 (one) in-feed repost to story 
2 (two) TikTok Videos

Deliverables for Mega Creators (1M+ Followers):
1 (one) Instagram Reel
1 (one) Instagram Story Set (3 frames)
1 (one) TikTok Video

Timing: Content will be created the Week of July 8. Content will go live on or about Thursday, August 1.

Exclusivity: Agree to not post any sponsored social content for pet food brands for approx 2 weeks before & after posting (from approx. July 18 - August 15).

Usage: Allow SheSpeaks, the brand and retailer the rights to use your content on brand website, social channels and media usage for 1 year after publishing your content. 

If you have questions, please email
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
What is your name? *
What is your age?  *
What is your email address? *
Please indicate which of these gender identities best describes you. *
What do you consider yourself?  *
Please confirm you are a U.S. resident.  *
Where are you located? (City, State) *
Are you a SheSpeaks member? If so, what is your username or email address you use to sign into your SheSpeaks account?
Do you currently feed your pet IAMS? If you aren't interested in feeding IAMS to your pet, please close out of the application.
Please confirm that you are available to share draft concepts by Wednesday 7/3, receive/shop for the products Week of 7/8, share draft photos/videos & captions by 7/17 and publish content on or about Thursday, August 1. *
Instagram Link (ex: or put N/A  *
How many followers do you have on Instagram? (or put N/A). *
Instagram Rate for In-Feed Reels + Story: Please enter your requested pricing for the following: 2 Instagram In-Feed Reels + 2 Instagram Story Sets (3 frames min.), draft content to be shared on 7/17 & published on or about 8/1. Agree to exclusivity in the pet brand category for approx. 2 weeks before & after posting (from approx. 7/18 to 8/15), and agree to give the brand and SheSpeaks the usage rights to repost any content within their social channels, website and for media for 1 year after content goes live.  Please include this exclusivity and usage pricing in the rate you provide. If not applicable, please put N/A. *
TikTok URL (ex: If not applicable, please put N/A.  *
How many followers do you have on TikTok? If not applicable, please put N/A.  *
TikTok Rate: Please enter your requested pricing for the following: 2 TikTok videos draft content to be shared on 7/8 & published on or about 8/1.  Agree to exclusivity in the pet brand category for approx 2 weeks before & after posting (from approx. 7/18 to 8/15), and agree to give the brand and SheSpeaks the usage rights to repost any content within their social channels, website and for media for 1 year after content goes live.  Please include this exclusivity and usage pricing in the rate you provide. If not applicable, please put N/A.
Creators with 1M+ followers, please enter your requested pricing for the following: 
1 Instagram Reel + 1 Instagram Story Set
1 TikTok video 
Draft content to be shared on 7/8 & published on or about 8/1.  Agree to exclusivity in the pet brand category for approx 2 weeks before & after posting (from approx. 7/18 to 8/15), and agree to give the brand and SheSpeaks the usage rights to repost any content within their social channels, website and for media for 30 days after content goes live.  Please include this exclusivity and usage pricing in the rate you provide. If not applicable, please put N/A.
Tell us about your pets. Include if you have a cat, dog or both and your pet(s) ages & breeds.
Please let us know how many total pets you have! *
Have you done sponsored or organic content in the last 3 months for competitive pet food brands other than IAMS? Let us know below or write N/A. *
Please provide a link to a post that showcases IAMS products or your commitment to a healthy lifestyle for you and your pet. We're looking for awesome photos/videos that align with the themes of this campaign!
Please share your content ideas for this campaign!  How might you feature the visible difference IAMS has made in your pet's wellbeing? Please be specific as we will be sharing your ideas with the brand.  *
Please let us know why you think you'd be a good fit to create content for the IAMS See a Visible Difference. We share this information with the client so this is your chance to sell yourself and tell us what sets you apart!
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