Cold email template that sells - How I got 100 signups for my beta SaaS

Hey all!

I'm Rishabh, the founder of Checklisty - a gamified user-onboarding checklist app.

My first step was to reach out to my personal network. My peer group, associates, mentors and everyone I knew in the relevant niche. I was clear on my target audience i.e. SaaS Founders.

I then found communities, SaaS listings, used LinkedIn navigator to find the relevant people to share my carefully curated cold emails. Used snov.io to extract email ID’s

First Mail

I ensured that the words I used showcased value to the user immediately. The idea is to keep it to the point, do your research before targeting prospects and use SalesHandy and Lemlist to personalize emails.

Do your homework before sending a cold email to a person.

75% of your email can be templated but 25% of it needs to be personalized.


Examples/ideas on how to create personalization:

-Go to their LinkedIn page - is there something you can mention about their former experiences? Did they work at a company previously where you knew someone that also worked there?

-Do they write blogs? Can you read a blog and create an insightful question from that blog that's relevant to your product/service?

-Have they been on podcasts? Listen to 5 mins of that podcast, come up with a connection that way.

Here are some of the responses I received:


  1. 3

    Can you provide % responded? How many emails you sent, the % rate, what % were negative etc.

    In my experience emails like these can work, but you can easily get banned. What I do is write a first email that's easy to respond to; often the response needs to be a simple yes or no. I then follow with the main offer. Curious if you've tried that?

    1. 2

      Hahaha, this method is working great for me, I do that for years and got a great result.

      1. 3

        I usually get a response rate of 4-5% with these emails.

    2. 1

      Could you share an example of what your first email looks like?

  2. 3

    Hey Rishabh, spot on buddy! I've taken a similar approach where you find a direct pain on their website your product looks to solve and offer a solution to that.

    Since my product is focused on helping SaaS companies turn their product into interactive demos, I've been embedding a link in my emails to show them upfront what it would look like to mimic it on their own products.

    One email = One pain = One solution is the formula I've been following and definitely seeing some good reply rates (~7-8%), instead of feature dumping 10 different things on the same email.

    1. 1

      True. When your product provides value, all you need is to showcase result that can be obtained and get them to try it!

  3. 3

    Thanks for this helpfull post.

    You can use breakcold.com if you want to automate your icebreaker generation. The only input required is the linkedin or website and you have personnalized genereted icebreaker! (Its my saas)

    1. 1

      Sounds amazing. Will definitely give it a try!

  4. 1

    Great stuff Rishabh! EverMail AI is another great option as well for personalizing emails at scale.

  5. 2

    Great work, Rishabh. I just sign up for Checklisty!

    1. 1

      That's awesome! Will ensure that you get on the Beta shortly

  6. 2

    Rishabh, this is a very helpful write up on cold emails, I have saved it for when I start cold emailing! Also, great work on Checklisty, I signed up to use it for my project LogSnag.com

    1. 2

      Happy to help! Will bump you up the list and you should have access shortly :)

      1. 1

        Awesome! Thank you

  7. 2

    Excellent advice, will be using this information for sure when I start cold emailing.

  8. 1

    Awesome im going to give this a shot

  9. 1

    Thanks for sharing!

    I have saved it to use for https://ablyhost.com

  10. 1

    Hi Rishabh, I have been sending cold emails for 2 months till now and I am unable to convert any leads. What could you suggest me for this?

  11. 1

    What were your subject lines if you're willing to share?

    1. 2

      It usually is "First name, just wanted to ask" that is it. Direct and straight to the point.

  12. 1

    👏 good for you!! This is a hard one to execute and really appreciate your insight into personalizing. Thanks Rishabh!

  13. 1

    Hey Rishabh, thanks for posting this, very useful and basically gold to me, a total cold email beginner.

    Can you please share how much time each step and this project overall took? Any recommendations for a schedule, e.g. plan at least x minutes per cold mail outreach?

    1. 1

      You have a lot of tools out there to help you out with this process.

      I daily do around 50 personalizations. So roughly takes me 10min to evaluate good fit and do a couple of personalizations

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