Where would be the best place to start Marketing my website?

Okay, Me and my friend made this simple website called Cal.et – It took us less than a week to release the first version.

Cal.et is a simple and free “Add to Calendar” link generator that can be shared on social media, newsletters, websites, emails, and everywhere else with ease.

You get a short link that contains your event information and an "Add to Calendar" button. This link is compatible with popular calendar services like Google, Apple, Outlook, Yahoo, and others.

So, Would love to hear your suggestions.

posted to
Content Marketing
on April 9, 2024
  1. 3

    Congratulations! I would first think about what your target groups and who might need your product the most. Once you figure that part out, simply find communities those people are part of and start spreading awareness!

    1. 2

      That make sense, Thanks!
      We are also looking into our competitors to better understand our target niche.

    2. 1

      which platforms you suggest to find related communitites?

  2. 3

    Have you thought about making an advertorial that shares your brand story on a native ad network like Taboola?

    1. 1

      Never thought about it, I will check it out.
      Thanks @thebigscreamldn

  3. 3

    You could try writing blog posts or creating videos that offer tips on using the "Add to Calendar" link generator, subtly promoting your website within that content. Best of luck with your website!

    1. 1

      This will definitely help, Thanks.

  4. 2

    I would look for forums where developers on different platforms are asking how to make an Add to Calendar link. For example, if you google 'add to calendar link webflow forum' you'll find a bunch of posts where people are asking how to do this, and you can respond and share the link to your site.

    Not a full blown marketing strategy by any means, but it would be pretty quick and easy to do!

    1. 1

      This is actually genius.
      Simple yet effective!

      Thanks for the suggestion.

  5. 2

    Marketing your website involves a multifaceted approach, and the best place to start often depends on your target audience, the niche your website serves, and the resources at your disposal. Here’s a strategic outline to help you get started:

    Identify Your Target Audience: Before marketing your website, you need to understand who your audience is. What are their interests, where do they hang out online, and what sort of content do they engage with?

    Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Optimizing your website to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) is crucial. Focus on keyword research, on-page SEO (quality content, meta tags, URL structure), off-page SEO (backlinks), and technical SEO to improve user experience.

    Content Marketing: Create and distribute valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and engage a clearly defined audience. Your content should address the needs and interests of your audience and can be promoted through a blog, videos, infographics, podcasts, and more.

    Social Media Marketing: Establish a presence on social media platforms where your audience is active. Regularly post engaging content and interact with your followers to increase brand awareness and drive traffic to your website.

    Email Marketing: Build an email list to communicate directly with your audience. Offer incentives (like eBooks, webinars, or exclusive content) for signing up and use newsletters to keep subscribers engaged and informed about updates, promotions, or new content.

    Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising: Invest in PPC campaigns on platforms like Google AdWords or Bing Ads to generate immediate traffic. You can also use social media ads on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn to target specific demographics.

    Influencer Marketing: Partner with influencers in your niche to tap into their audiences. This can be done through sponsored content, affiliate marketing, or collaborations that align with your brand.

    Analytics and Measurement: Set up tools like Google Analytics to track your website’s performance. Monitor metrics such as traffic, bounce rate, conversion rate, and user behavior to understand the effectiveness of your marketing efforts and make data-driven decisions.

    Community Engagement: Participate in online forums, communities, and Q&A sites relevant to your niche. By providing value and establishing yourself as an authority, you can generate interest and traffic to your website.

    Collaborations and Partnerships: Partner with other businesses or websites to cross-promote each other’s content or services. This can increase your reach and authority within your niche.

    Remember to keep your marketing efforts consistent and be prepared to adapt your strategy as you learn what works best for your website and audience. Additionally, consider setting a budget for paid marketing activities and allowing some time for organic growth through SEO and content marketing.

    1. 2

      Thank you so much for taking the time to outline this comprehensive marketing strategy for my website.

      Your insights are invaluable, and I appreciate the detailed approach you’ve shared, covering everything from SEO and content marketing to influencer partnerships and analytics.

      I’m particularly caught by the emphasis on identifying the target audience and the suggestion to leverage both organic and paid growth tactics.

      I plan to dive deeper into each area, especially focusing on content and community engagement to build a strong foundation for growth.

      Thanks again for your guidance. I’m looking forward to applying these strategies and seeing how they unfold in driving my website forward.

  6. 2

    Promote your "Add to Calendar" link generator:

    1. Share on social media and tournament list sites.
    2. Engage in applicable online communities.
    3. Reach out by e-mail newsletters.
    4. Collaborate with event-related businesses.
    5. Optimize website positioning and think about paid ads.
    1. 1

      Thanks for the suggestions.
      I'll test all the free approaches before I move to paid ads. :)

  7. 2

    Wow, I just joined IH to meet likeminded builders and this is literally the post I'm reacting to. I've been looking for a tool like this, LOVE IT.

    Would be awesome if it could handle recurring events too.

    Just FYI: we were thinking of using Ecal (used by F1, my cofounder is a big F1 fan) which is basically a bad dream from the mid 00s.

    So let me give you my perspective as a content creator (we run a small Youtube channel). We've been looking to have a nice way of making sure that people on our newsletter are incentivized to come visit livestreams (or watch our videos when we upload them).

    Now with this, I can create a simple content calendar for:

    • Livestreams
    • New video uploads
    • Other online events we do

    Generate a link with your tool for every event, and put it into a Notion page. By using Actions widgets for Notion I can also add buttons and now I can just share our entire content calendar with "Add to my calendar" buttons for each event.

    If I were you I'd create a template for this so it's ready to use, just copy/paste events and done.

    Then reach out to Youtubers and other content creators, just give it to them for free first, then since you're hosting the link, you can paywall it once you figured out everything.

    Honestly I'd even pay for your tool PLUS a template like that.

    1. 2

      I'm glad to hear you found our simple tool useful and liked it. By the way, we're just getting started, and we have many features to be added to our roadmap. However, we wanted to test, see, and prioritize which features we should be implementing. The one you suggested, Recurring Event, is definitely on our roadmap.

      Additionally, we are currently testing the Notion action widget and will make it live soon. To ensure we're on the same page, please check the Notion page below for a demo.

      Demo Notion Action Widget Link: 👇

      Would love to hear your feedback.


      1. 1

        To make it easier for you, here is a screenshot of the notion page.


        1. 1

          YES that's it! I use Notion in dark mode so needed to deal with that first, but that's EXACTLY what I was thinking.

          So all I need to do is create a Calendar in Notion, add ALL my future events and on their event page, embed this at the bottom.

          I think your product becomes a solution when content creators start sharing their content calendar with people and their retention grows because of it.

          1. 1

            The dark mode can be fixed easily from our side, We will make our design darkmode friendly. It's fairly simple.

            1. 1

              We're in the process of making a content calendar anyway. We'll very likely publish it via Notion. I'll use your tool for the "Add to calendar" feature and share the content calendar template with you. Will share my experience after, but so far I think the simplicity of your product is the best feature. You've already solved a huge paint point for me!

      2. 1

        This comment was deleted a month ago.

  8. 2

    Cool idea for a simple and useful tool.

    1. 1

      Thanks, @premsaini.
      Nice to hear you liked it!

  9. 2

    The tool looks clean.
    I will suggest to start with these:

    1. Add relevant blogs to your portal, create xml sitemap, and upload the same to Google Search console.
    2. Create social media accounts: LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube
    3. Add your known people into these accounts and then start sharing your blogs and tool over the above.
    4. Till now, you have invested no money on marketing. Now align with media marketing guys (I'll suggest a few if you want) and ask them to do marketing for you via brand reach, google ads and guest posting
    5. Get your tool listed to all possible listing portals.

    Hope these points would help.


    1. 1

      Thank you for your suggestions, @sigmaearth . We are currently working on the blog section, as you suggested, and we are also in the process of creating social media accounts.

      Could you provide some recommendations for media marketing professionals I can contact?

      Additionally, could you suggest other platforms where we can list our product, besides PH and BetaList? Any suggestions you could provide would be very helpful.

      Thank you once again.

      1. 1

        Hi, I can suggest one of my friend, his name is Saquib.
        You can reach out to him over imsaquibsiddiqui@gmail
        He can help you regarding the social media services.

        You can list over your product over various portals that support listing of Digital Products. You can google it.

        Let me know if you need further help.

  10. 2

    You can start creating short video content without even showing your face and post it on Tiktok and instagram reels.

    Check your keywords on tiktok and filter it with the most likes to get the idea for video format. Use story and VS format

    1. 1

      Thank you for the suggestion. Also, what do you think about hiring content creators to do it for you? Or should I do it myself with no followers? :)

      1. 1

        If you have time you can do it yourself and also hire micro influencers to create content and post it on their social media while you repost it on your own accts.

        Tiktok don’t care about your followers, with zero followers you can go viral and also try controversial content (it works very well)

        1. 1

          Cool, I think I should give it a try by myself as you said and move to hiring micro influencers if it doesn't work. 🙏

  11. 2

    Starting marketing efforts for your website can be strategic. Begin by identifying your target audience and where they spend their time online. Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are often effective for reaching a broad audience. Additionally, consider search engine optimization (SEO) to improve your website's visibility on search engines like Google. Collaborating with influencers or bloggers in your niche can also help expand your reach. Ultimately, the best place to start marketing your website depends on your target audience and the channels where you can most effectively engage with them.

    1. 1

      Thanks for detailed suggestion @VasancityAcadamey
      It's really helpful! We would work on the things you suggested.

  12. 2

    love your product design.

    for such a niche tool, would suggest:

    1. PH /HN/Reddit for publicity .
    2. content marketing for growth.
    1. 1

      Glad to hear you liked our product.

      We will look into your second suggestion. We've launched our product on PH, but it didn't go as planned, so we are exploring other options.

  13. 2

    I am on the same page here, I will suggest some ways that I tried (didn't work so far) that I think have potential. You can start by publishing your product on Product Hunt and use X, YouTube and Reddit to advertise it. Make videos and tutorials regarding your products new releases and ways that it can be used to solve a problem. Share what differentiates it from its counterparts.

    1. 1

      We will try YouTube and Reddit, as we've already launched our product on PH but it didn't go as planned.

      Good luck with your product. @Drimiteros

      1. 2

        Thank you very much.
        Good luck!

  14. 2

    Have you tried Product Hunt? I am on the same boat, as we just launched today!

    1. 1

      That's nice, Good luck with your launch!
      Yes, we did launched on PH.

  15. 2

    Here's the secret to marketing: show up where your audience is.

    Who is your target market?

    Where do they hang out? Both physically and online.

    Show up there. Add value. Invite them to learn more. Rinse & repeat.

    There are a lot of tactical ideas in this thread, but they may or may not work because it really just depends on who your target customer is.

    With a simple add to calendar event tool - are you targeting meetups? webinars? physical or online events? churches? startups?

    Narrow it down, and find out where they congregate then choose your tactics to launch yourself in front of them.

    1. 1

      Thanks for the suggestion,
      We are targeting anyone who could find our tool useful. I believe you mentioned our targets: meetups, webinars, physical and online events, and anything else related to events.

      1. 2

        Ah, so this is the cardinal sin of marketing and product development.

        "Anyone who could find the tool useful" is not a target market. They say "marketing to everyone is marketing to no one" for a reason, it's because spreading yourself that thin to "anyone " sets you up for failure.

        The groups you mentioned (meetups, webinars, physical events) will all have radically different expectations for your product, motivations, use cases, and expected price points.

        A webinar could be used by a small SaaS company trying to get their first customers, or a large venture-backed or even public company (like HubSpot) - which is your target market though?

        My advice is to niche down and pick a target market to start with. Learn from them. Win them over. Be the best option on the market for them, and then expand to new markets.

        I know "niche down" is a bit of a trope, but it works. This is backed by years of experience in marketing and product management (including 6+ years at HubSpot, I now advise SaaS companies on marketing full-time).

        1. 1

          It does definitely make sense, thanks for sharing your years of experience.

          Thank you so much, @tscionti

  16. 2

    Congratulations, looking forward to your website getting better and better!

    1. 1

      Thanks, @Anton122
      We will keep improving Cal.et as we get more feedbacks from our users.

  17. 2

    How about Programmatic SEO? Make some programmatic pages created from public event data(like music concerts, sporting events or festivals). This may be able to get some SEO traffic.

    1. 1

      Yeah, Programmatic SEO does make sense. Thanks for the suggestion, we will give it a try.

  18. 2

    Where to market your product depends on who your target market is. That's part of validating a product.

    But it seems to me that you may have skipped that stepped.

    Given that situation, you need to look at your direct competitors to uncover their sources of traffic. Not an easy task by any means, but it can be done.

    1. 1

      You've a valid point there, we're working on that too. Thanks!

  19. 1

    I tested the product. It's great.

    1. 1

      Thanks for testing! 🙏

  20. 1

    Congratulations. I tested the product. It's so cool. Who is your target audience? solopreneurs or small firms or large teams?

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