We need more calm companies

The world needs more indie entrepreneurs building calm businesses. We won't get more calm from publicly traded companies or the over-funded venture-backed class. It will come from the next crop of small, purposefully built indie startups with healthy margins.

submitted this link on April 7, 2024
  1. 2

    Great article,Justin. The trick is finding that profitability engine that can enable everything else. And once that’s going strong, not falling in the trap of wanting more of it in excess. But to use profit in that mindful way you describe, to enhance wellbeing. This article resonates with me as I’m trying to build my own indie company in a mindful way, and especially after recently having gone through and come out of a super challenging period of deep burn out.

  2. 1

    Absolutely agree.

    People come together behind the vision and the values.

    If an employee's intention of work is motivated by values and a vision not resonating with the company's then there is a major disconnect there.

    That's how we have our heart in the work. That's how work feels like we're not working. And that's how we organically increase our productivity.

    Awesome insight again for elaborating on what makes these great companies great as well as how to cultivate great companies.

    Thanks Justin!

  3. 1

    Thanks for sharing that insightful perspective.

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