What is your tech stack?

Mine is here:

Landing page — https://typedream.com/
Project management & notes — https://www.notion.so/
Brainstorming — https://miro.com/app/
Design — https://www.figma.com/

Twitter — https://typefully.com/
Payments — https://gumroad.com/
Database — https://airtable.com/
Forms — https://tally.so

Quantitative Analytics — https://analytics.withgoogle.com/
Qualitative Analytics — https://www.hotjar.com/
Copywriting — grammarly.com
Email client — https://sparkmailapp.com/
Online reputation — https://f5bot.com

Too basic or okay? 😅

While doing MakerBox I found more great tools with Free plans like Vev, June and folk. Will check them out in the next month.

  1. 6

    Ruby on Rails with Hotwire and Postgres, hosted on Render. Plausible for analytics.

    Sweet and simple 🙂

    1. 2

      Curious - why Plausible over Google Analytics?

      By the way, I'm looking for feedback on DarkColors, a tool that makes it easy for you to test website color ideas: https://www.darkcolors.digital/workspace

  2. 4

    Backend: Ruby on Rails
    Frontend: Next.js
    Databases: Postgresql, Redis
    CRM: Close.com

    1. 1

      what do you use for auth?

      1. 1

        We handle Auth at the Rails level. Have been using Devise for years at many jobs and have found it really great. https://github.com/heartcombo/devise

    2. 1

      I've mostly worked with react and been dabbling with next.js, what are your thoughts on it; why do you like to use it?

      1. 1

        NextJS has everything you need—routing, server-side rendering, and more. It’s used by so many projects that most issues are documented. Many painpoints you would have run into have already been solved. Only a little bit of vendor lock-in to worry about.

        1. 1

          @fromtheexchange pretty much answered this haha, thank you :). It's really lightweight, so if you know React there's not much of a learning curve to get going with Next. You get routing, image optimization, SSR, build configuration, etc. all out of the box. React is awesome and Next just puts the pieces together you'd have to do yourself if you weren't using a library like Next.

  3. 4

    Design - Figma.com
    Payments - Stripe.com
    Remote Access - Getscreen.me
    Analytics - Matomo.org
    Copywriting - Rytr.me

    1. 1

      Curious - why Matomo over Google Analytics?

      By the way, I'm looking for feedback on DarkColors, a tool that makes it easy for you to test website color ideas: https://www.darkcolors.digital/workspace

    2. 1

      Rytr is something new. Do you enjoy it?

      1. 3

        yeah, it AI writing

    3. 1

      This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

  4. 4

    For RepoHealth.io

    Design - getparthenon.com
    SaaS boilerplate - getparthenon.com
    Payments - Stripe.com
    Analytics - plausible.io
    Database - PostgresSQL
    Error logging - rollbar.io

    For getparthenon.com

    Framework Symfony
    Language PHP
    Databases - TimescaleDB, Postgres, MongoDB, MySQL
    Virtualisation - Docker
    Deployments - Ansible
    Docs - docusaurus.io

      1. 3

        One of the co-founders posts on Mastodon. He seems really nice, I'm glad they're doing well!

        1. 3

          thanks all for the kind words! appreciate your support!

    1. 2

      I like how detailed the Parthenon website is. Very thorough!

      By the way, I'm looking for feedback on DarkColors, a tool that makes it easy for you to test website color ideas: https://www.darkcolors.digital/workspace

    2. 2

      PHP is alive!! Great stack

      Thanks for sharing it with us

  5. 3

    I use surge.sh for static hosting, and then I'm building the ultimate backend in Java https://www.adama-platform.com to host all sorts of things

    analytics - plausible.io

      1. 1

        glad you're finding Plausible useful!

  6. 3

    At notik.app:

    Rails for most apis and backend
    imba.io for interactive frontend
    PixiJS and WASM for some high performant charts
    Deployed on render.com
    Shynet https://github.com/milesmcc/shynet for analytics

  7. 3

    What a cool stack!

    Can you talk about the value that airtable and tally gives you?
    What do you do with the tools? How has it saved you time?

    I'm looking for a form & data collection platform.

    1. 2

      I used Airtable as a database for Makerbox — https://www.makerbox.club/

      IMO, this is more convenient than Notion tables.

      I used Tally to waitlist users. Free plan covers 99% of use cases

      1. 1

        Sweet that makes sense.

        Convenient as in simpler API and integration?

  8. 3

    I build my app in SwiftUI.
    This plugs into a Firebase Firestore database.
    User accounts are managed through Firebase Auth.
    My small landingpage (mostly for App Store requirements) is on Wordpress.com.
    My app analytics is done with Google Analytics.
    I distribute beta app via TestFlight.
    I UX with Copic markers and paper.
    And I gather qualitative feedback via Whatsapp.

    1. 1

      Wordpress veteran 👋

  9. 2

    Pretty much MSFT design house here. Also fan of first party software.

    Back-end: ASP.NET6 (ASP.NET CORE)
    Front-end: Blazor WASM, Blazor Server-Side, React (through I pretty much migrated all projects to Blazor).
    Libs: MudBlazor (which replaced my custom libs, all other 3rd party libs like bootstrap), Swagger,...
    Design: Figma (but not as much anymore).


    -Azure: App Service, Cosmos Db, Storage, SQL, AADB2C, Functions, Notification hub, etc
    -Source control/CICD: Azure Devops, Github
    -Payment: Stripe (just started using and I like it so far). Mobile apps: Apple/Google.
    -Godaddy: Domain name
    -Communication: Teams, Slack, Discord, Skype, Zoom, FB Messenger, iMessage, FaceTime,...

    Mobile Apps:

    -Android: Java. Some firebase services such as cloud messaging
    -iOS: Swift, SwiftUI. Pretty much phased out Storyboard, UIKit, Obj-C
    -Cross-platform: Blazor on top of webkit. MAUI


    MSFT: VSCode, VS, Office, To Do, oneNote, oneDrive, remote desktop
    Apple: Xcode, Notes

    Other tools:
    -Compare: Beyond Compare
    -Game: Unity
    -Android: android Studio of course. No more Eclipse!
    -Draw: Paint.NET, Paint 3D, Paint, sketch
    -Audio: Garage Band, Audacity

    I pretty much replaced Chrome with Edge (Chrome). I still use Chrome for accounts related to android development.

  10. 2

    Design - Figma
    Frontend - Vanilla Js, CSS
    Backend - Flask | Express | Go net/http
    Database - SQLite | MongoDB
    Mobile - React Native
    Web Serving - Nginx | Apache

    I always like to build things from the start that's why I chose Vanilla Js or Flask instead of lets say ReactJs and Django.

    1. 1

      This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

  11. 2

    Design - Adobe XD
    Frontend - Next.JS, Twilwind CSS
    Backend - Go Fiber | Node Express | Python Django
    Database - MongoDB | PostgreSQL | Redis
    Cloud - AWS | Digital Ocean
    Mobile - Kotlin | Flutter
    Data Science - Python | Julia

    1. 1

      Adobe is still alive? 🤯

  12. 2

    For all my projects I use....

    Design - Figma
    Development -Handlebars/Webpack + Tailwind + Alpine.js
    Payments - Stripe/Gumroad
    Analytics - Umami self hosted on Hetzner
    Copywriting - Me

      1. 1

        It's pretty good yeah,had 0 issues with them whatsoever.

        But I will have to use Stripe on 589.studio because Paddle doesn't now allow human work..

  13. 2

    How are you liking using airtable as your DB?

    For https://readmefirst.co we’re using:

    • Cloudflare
    • NextJS
    • TailwindCSS/UI
    • Prisma/Postgres
    • Github
    • Heroku
    1. 2

      Airtable is great! Highly recommend it

  14. 2

    Great list !
    Any reason for choosing SparkMail as an email client ?

    1. 2

      It's just amazing. Makes email experience less painful

  15. 2

    Currently building:
    Management platform - java spring
    Management Front End - SPA - Based on React Admin
    Authentication - Keycloak
    Performance endpoint - Golang
    Performance javascript - vanilla javascript
    Database - Postgresql
    Dev tools - Jetbrain - webstorm, intellij, goland
    Nginx for routing
    hosting - hetzner
    cdn - cloudflare

  16. 1

    Fun fact, that's exactly what we're working on with https://companies.tools – App stacks of the best teams in the world.

  17. 1

    We are building a SaaS product for a how-to guide (https://www.addfloat.com/)
    Front end - Next JS, React, Webflow, Tailwind
    Backend - Python(Django)
    Database - Postgres
    Cloud storage - Digital ocean
    CDN - Cloudflare
    Data Analytics - Segment, mixpanel
    Error Logging - New Relic
    and many more software product

  18. 1

    Frontend: Angular, bootstrap, Twilwind CSS
    Backend: NodeJs/NestJs
    Database: MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Redis
    Cloud: AWS, Digital Ocean, Render
    Project management & notes: Jira, Google Docs
    Design: Figma

  19. 1

    Project Management & Brainstorming: Notion & Google Keep
    UI/UX : Figma
    Front-end : React Js - MaterializeCss - Chakra UI
    Back-End : Firebase & Node Js
    Database : Mysql or MongoDB
    Payment: Paypal (unfortunately Stripe does not support my country yet )

  20. 1

    Here is the stack for Qualitycs.dev:

    • Landing: Next
    • Main app: React, Tailwind, Node, GraphQl, Prisma
    • Design: Figma
    • Doc: Notion & Loom
    • Project management: Notion
  21. 1

    Mine are:

    • Landing page: NextJS + TailwindUI
    • Main App: NextJS + ExpressJS
    • Design: Figma, Canva
    • Note taking and tracking progress: Obsidian
    • Analytics Tracking: Plausible
    • Payment: Gumroad for now.

    And I plan to invest in these tech stack for a long time.

  22. 1

    Brainstorming, Whiteboards, Project Planning, Finances: clickup.com
    Coordination: clickup.com / Discord
    Frontend-Dev : JavaScript (Vue)
    Backend-Dev: JavaScript (node), Prisma, MySql, GraphQL
    UX/UI: Figma, QuantUx, Tailwind
    Illustrations and Icons: Inkscape
    Finance: Revolut, Paypal (soon: Stripe)

  23. 1

    For Bear Blog I explicitly went with the simplest and most robust setup I could. The intention is to build a platform that well outlasts me.

    • Django (all dependencies version locked)
    • Sqlite + Litestream for live DB replication
    • DigitalOcean droplet (on Ubuntu with automation scripts for ease of transmissibility)
    • Mailgun for emails

    I'm planning on writing up a full post on "Building software to last forever" so check out my blog if you're interested.

    1. 1

      Oh, and I accept supporter contributions with LemonSqueezy.

  24. 1

    Design: Peace of paper, then Figma
    Backend: Java with Spring
    Frontend: React
    Cloud: AWS
    DB: Mongo
    Payment: PayPal (not ideal, but Stripe is not available in my country, alas)
    Analytics: Plausible

    Domain(s) registered on Dynadot. Google position tracked on GSC. Using APIs on RapidAPI. ProWrittingAid and Grammarly for English grammar.

    Built eredom.com and marketroadie.com with this stack.

  25. 1

    Mine is:
    -Frontend: ReactJS
    -Backend: Python with Flask
    -DB: MySQL
    -Hosting: Heroku

  26. 1

    Design: Figma
    Frontend: ReactJS
    Backend: NodeJS
    Database: Firebase
    Hosting: Netlify and Heroku
    Mobile: React Native

  27. 1

    Site: git18n.com

    Frontend: NextJS
    Backend: NextJS (APIs)
    Hosting: Digitalocean's App Platform and managed MongoDB
    Documentation site: Hugo static website generator

    Trying to keep it simple 🙏.

  28. 1

    Here's our stack for Hardcover.app:

    Front-end: Next.js (Vercel), so React.
    API: Hasura (Hasura)
    Backend: Ruby on Rails (Heroku)
    Database: Postgres (Heroku)
    Background jobs: Good Job (probably move to Resque/Sidekiq eventually).
    CMS: Wordpress

    1. 1

      Hasura is awesome 💪

      I wonder why more indiehacker devs aren't using it.

      Especially because it simplifies soooooo many things and still lets you keep all of the developer freedom.

  29. 1

    Design - Adobe XD
    Mobile Dev - Flutter for both IOS and Android
    Website Frontend - React ⚡ ⚡(You can't leave out the lightning emoji)
    Backend - MongoDB
    API hosting - Heroku
    Frontend Hosting - Netlify

  30. 1

    Brainstorming - Miro / whimsical (soon mb obsolete with apples new whiteboard feature)
    Project management - Asana (if I would start something from scratch I would probably go with notion)
    MockUps / Design - Balsamiq / Figma
    Frontend - React / at the moment Material UI, planning to switch to Tailwind CSS
    Backend - Node.js on AWS serverless (Lambda)
    Database - DynamoDB, Aurora Serverless
    Cloud - AWS
    Mobile - React Native
    Search - Algolia

  31. 1

    This comment was deleted a year ago.

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