What is raw content and how to leverage it to grow your business

Raw content holds high potential for growing your business, but it's often misunderstood or underutilized.

If you're unfamiliar with what raw content is or how to leverage it effectively, you're not alone. This post aims to demystify raw content, shedding light on its importance and providing practical tips on how to use it to your advantage.

Raw content, in its unfiltered and authentic form, can be a game-changer for your business growth if used correctly. Stick around to discover how.

What is raw content?

Raw content refers to any unedited, unprocessed, and uncensored form of content that is created in its most natural state.

This can include written materials such as blog posts or social media updates, audio recordings like podcasts or interviews, and video footage.

The key characteristic of raw content is that it has not been polished or refined for public consumption. Therefore, it may contain mistakes or imperfections, but that is what makes it genuine and relatable.

Who Typically Produces Raw Content?

While anyone can produce raw content, it's typically generated by content creators, influencers, and business owners who recognize the value of authenticity.

These individuals often use raw content to share their day-to-day experiences, behind-the-scenes insights, or industry knowledge.

For example, a business owner might share an unedited video of a new product just off the assembly line, or an influencer could post an impromptu live video discussing their thoughts on a trending issue.

The key is that the content is real, unpolished, and connects directly with the audience on an authentic level. Raw content often resonates more with audiences because it's relatable and provides a transparent view of your brand.

Why is Raw Content Important for Your Business?

Raw content has several benefits that can positively impact your business.

  • Boosts Engagement: Raw content is unpolished and feels more personal, sparking real-time conversations with your audience. It's this raw authenticity that can lead to higher engagement rates, as it allows your audience to connect with you on a deeper and more personal level.
  • Builds Trust: Raw content provides a transparent view of your brand, building trust with your audience. It gives them an insight into the real you or the real workings of your business, fostering a sense of familiarity and trust.
  • Differentiates Your Brand: With the overload of polished, high-production value content out there, raw content can help differentiate your brand.
  • Increases Content Production: The production of raw content is typically quicker and more cost-effective than polished and heavily produced content. This allows you to increase the frequency of your content output, keeping your audience engaged and your brand front of mind.
  • Generates User-Generated Content: By creating raw content, you can inspire your audience to do the same. This not only increases engagement but can also lead to an influx of user-generated content. This kind of content supports brand advocacy and community building.

Remember, while raw content can be highly beneficial, it's important to use it judiciously and in line with your overall content strategy. Too much raw content can dilute your brand message, so it's all about finding the right balance that works for your brand and audience.

How to Leverage Raw Content for Your Business

Now that you understand what raw content is and its importance, it's time to explore how you can leverage it for your business.

Share Behind-the-Scenes Footage

Behind-the-scenes footage offers insights into your work process, fostering a sense of transparency and trust with your audience. For instance, if you run a bakery, you could share a video of your team baking and decorating a cake, revealing the effort and skill that goes into every product. You'll not only humanize your brand but also help your audience appreciate the value of your offerings.

This is easy to do if you keep your phone handy and make an effort to capture everyday footage. Most of your content will be unusable but you'll find gems here and there that are worth sharing.

Leverage User-Generated Content

Encourage your audience to share their own raw content related to your brand. For example, you could start a hashtag campaign where customers share unfiltered photos of themselves using your products. This generates a wealth of authentic content while also boosting engagement and fostering a sense of community around your brand.

You need to be active and engaged online to make the best use of this option. Don't just view content and be silent. Respond, like, and comment. And also ask for permission to reuse UGC.

Host Live Q&As

Live sessions on platforms like Instagram or Facebook offer an excellent way to connect directly with your audience. You can answer their questions in real-time, discuss topics relevant to your industry, or share updates about your business.

This interactive format not only keeps your audience engaged but also positions you as an industry authority. You should identify and capture a few snapshots, small videos, and comments from these events and repurpose them. Sharing them via Shorts or Stories is a great way to draw early attention.

Post Real-Time Updates

Keep your audience in the loop by sharing real-time updates. Whether it's a launch day countdown, a sneak peek at an upcoming product, or simply a day in the life at your office, such updates can keep your audience invested and excited about your brand. For example, if you're releasing a new software update, you could share screen recordings or images showcasing the new features.

Create Authentic Testimonials

Customer testimonials are a powerful tool for building trust, and they don't always have to be polished. A raw, honest review can often be more compelling than a scripted one. Ask your satisfied customersto share their experiences in their own words, perhaps through a video call or a simple phone recording. These raw testimonials can be shared on your website or social media platforms, offering genuine proof of the value you provide.

Additional Tips for Using Raw Content

  • Plan Ahead: While raw content may seem unscripted and impromptu, it's important to have a plan in place. Decide on the types of raw content you want to create and map out when and how often you will share it.
  • Be Yourself: Raw content is all about being authentic and genuine. Don't try to force a persona or censor yourself too much – let your true self shine through.
  • Listen to Your Audience: Pay attention to the types of raw content that resonate with your audience. Use their feedback and engagement levels to guide future content creation.
  • Mix It Up: Don't rely solely on one type of raw content. Mix it up by sharing behind-the-scenes footage, user-generated content, live Q&As, and real-time updates.
  • Stay Consistent: While raw content may have a less polished look, it's important to maintain consistency in your branding and messaging. This will help solidify your brand identity and make it easier for your audience to recognize and connect with you.


Raw content may not always be perfect, but it can add a layer of authenticity and relatability to your brand. B

By leveraging raw content, you can build trust, differentiate your brand, and increase engagement while also keeping up a steady flow of quality content for your audience.

So don't be afraid to embrace the unpolished, authentic side of your business – your audience will thank you!

Remember, always speak directly to your audience and use 'you' to make them feel like they are part of the conversation. Now, go out there and create some amazing raw content for your business!

  1. 1

    This definitely gives me a lot to think about in terms of our own content strategy. Thanks for sharing these valuable tips and examples!

  2. 1

    Thanks for sharing this, this is an occasionally overlooked part of marketing. Great suggestions, although if you want to differentiate yourself long form/video testimonials done right can go a long way.

  3. 1

    Love this. We are so often held back by the fear of not being polished and prepped enough. We need more of this.

  4. 1

    Thanks for your help Syed! I recently just realised I could use raw content but I didn't really know how to utilise it.

  5. 1

    Ah, nothing like giving your business a powerful boost by unleashing the potential of raw content! Thanks for this useful insight, Syed.

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