⚡ The Key To More Newsletter Sign-ups
5 days ago • 1 min read"Why am I getting this email?" — quick reminder: You may have signed up on my homepage, for one of my free resources (1KS Roadmap or Mark Manson onboarding templates), or you were referred here by a friend's newsletter. If not, unsubscribe at the bottom — no harm, no foul. [Read the browser version right here] Ditch Humility: You Need Credibility for More Newsletter Subscribers. Nobody will listen. Until you give them a reason. I've studied a LOT of newsletter sign-up pages. And do you know...
READ POST⚡ Incentivize clicks. Get more sales.
18 days ago • 2 min read"Why am I getting this email?" — quick reminder: You may have signed up on my homepage, for one of my free resources (1KS Roadmap or Mark Manson onboarding templates), or you were referred here by a friend's newsletter. If not, unsubscribe at the bottom — no harm, no foul. [Read the browser version right here] ⚠️ WARNING: this email contains graphic screen shots of a killer engagement & upsell strategy. Reader discretion is advised. "And the idea is it's the only newsletter that rewards you...
READ POST⚡10 Tips to Make a Living Selling Info Products
about 1 month ago • 3 min read"Why am I getting this email?" — quick reminder: You may have signed up on my homepage, for one of my free resources (1KS Roadmap or Mark Manson onboarding templates), or you were referred here by a friend's newsletter. If not, unsubscribe at the bottom — no harm, no foul. [Read the browser version right here] Hey you. It's me. Quick question slash favor to ask. Can you take 7 seconds to vote below? Which swipe file are you most in need of: Landing Page Examples Welcome Email Templates...
READ POST⚡ How I grew on LinkedIn in January
about 2 months ago • 4 min read"Why am I getting this email?" — quick reminder: You may have signed up on my homepage, for one of my free resources (1KS Roadmap or Mark Manson onboarding templates), or you were referred here by a friend's newsletter. If not, unsubscribe at the bottom — no harm, no foul. [Read the browser version right here] For the OG subscribers to this newsletter. You might remember... The first 100+ editions of Growth Currency⚡ featured a lot of curation. I'd share all the links to tools, articles,...
READ POST⚡ The email flywheel that drove $33k in 53mins
2 months ago • 3 min read"Why am I getting this email?" — quick reminder: You may have signed up on my homepage, for one of my free resources (1KS Roadmap or Mark Manson onboarding templates), or you were referred here by a friend's newsletter. If not, unsubscribe at the bottom — no harm, no foul. [Read the browser version right here] The flywheel that drove $33k in 53 minutes (And how you can use it for your newsletter) This flywheel got Katelyn Bourgoin over 2,586 people on her course waitlist.Her course costs...