Exploring the Path: Navigating Your Journey in Programming and Beyond

The topic of today's post has been set as "Where are you at with programming?" and "What's Your Why?" Together, we've come together to explore and discuss these two important questions.

We live in a world filled with computer code. In today's rapidly advancing technology, it's important to question where we stand and why we've chosen this path. In this post, we'll think together to understand our own programming journey and the reasons behind embarking on this path.

If you're ready, let's embark on this exploration journey together!

coding complex roadmap

Yep, time is up. It’s not that complex as you can see below :D

Let me answer these questions according to myself.

Where am I at with programming?

It's hard to explain. I know some languages, and I have used them many times.

  • For front-end development, I use HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, and Bootstrap.
  • For back-end development, I use .NET MVC for my school project.
  • For databases, I use MySQL and MSSQL.
  • Since our university teaches programming based on Java, I have also learned Java and object-oriented programming.

But it's not all. In the last 7 months, I've worked with Next.js, React.js, Tailwind CSS, and TypeScript.

If these terms sound complicated to you, you might be a beginner. It's okay to be a beginner.
it's okay to be beginner for software career

What did I before?

The first company I worked for was Cargill. Cargill was a highly institutionalized company, and it forced me to adapt and learn effective communication with my colleagues and superiors.

The second company I worked for was Scotty. Scotty was a perfect start-up for experiencing the start-up ecosystem. I had the opportunity to work there as a Marketing Intern. During my time at Scotty, I gained valuable insights into both Digital Marketing and Traditional Marketing. I also learned about the differences between the two. This experience introduced me to new concepts such as persona, target audience, segmentation, and more, which became a part of my professional vocabulary.

The third company I worked for was Magnetiq, another venture. I had the opportunity to work there in two different roles: Business Intern and Growth Intern. Interestingly, I was the first employee at Magnetiq, which provided me with invaluable learning experiences. During my time there, I gained knowledge on various topics such as team creation and management, identifying pain points for ventures, understanding the importance of Digital Marketing for SMBs (Small and Medium-sized Businesses), and much more.

As you can understand, I have good knowledge of how to be a good intern. 😊

In addition, during the pandemic, I started selling websites with my friend. I was responsible for developing the front-end part, while my friend handled the back-end part. Together, we sold nearly 10 custom websites. The process of running our own business taught us a lot and provided valuable learning experiences.

Beyond Borders: How Travel Shaped My Life and Career

I’ve been abroad twice.

The first time I went abroad was for the purpose of volunteering in Germany at a work camp, where I assisted with various tasks at a specific location. For instance, I went to Arnsdorf and helped renew the directional signs along the holy bike road. Additionally, we organized movie nights as part of our activities.

The second time I went abroad was as an Erasmus+ student in Belgium. During my Erasmus program, I had the opportunity to travel to various countries including Belgium, the Netherlands, France, Germany, Italy, and Switzerland. It was an incredibly enriching experience for me. After spending a wonderful six months in Belgium, I can confidently say that Belgium feels like a second home to me!

erasmus shaped my career

Travelling gives me ideas about what I enjoy, what my potential is, and it helps me improve my soft skills. Most importantly, I know myself better. Thanks to visiting other countries, I explore different cultures, local people, traditions, and more. These experiences have taught me thousands of things about life. After returning home, I decided to work as a software developer because I want to produce and create. In fact, travel fuels this desire in me. The more you travel, the more you produce.

What am I doing now?

I'm currently work as Junior Frontend Developer at Adsby. Thanks to my experience and soft skills from my previous jobs, I can better manage my situation at work. Moreover, I can think outside the box and create more innovation for my job.

Changing your background and pursuing what you love isn't always easy. Most of the time, the comfort zone can suffocate your dreams, leaving you without the motivation to take action. However, if you have a reason to do so, trust yourself and start somewhere.

Knowing my reason to improve myself to become a better Frontend Developer empowers me to keep going. Ask yourself why you want to code. Then, assess your situation. Remember, you're not alone in having countless questions in your head. Take a breath and start your software journey.

What's my WHY?

I like ventures. I like digital products. I enjoy being part of a development team, but not just as a regular developer. I aspire to be someone who comprehends the business logic and monitors the progress of the engineering team.

I thrive on creating something new or improving existing ideas. It's my passion. I chose to become a coder because I believe that by enhancing my expertise in this field, I can develop more products that people need.

You might be wondering why I asked these questions of you. I asked because when people understand why they do something, they can learn much more easily.

This journey is long and changes every day. If you have more patience and passion to pursue this path, nothing can stop you.

In the upcoming posts, I'll delve into more detail on how to kickstart your career as a Frontend Developer, addressing the multitude of questions swirling in your mind.

Remember, you don't need to be perfect to start, but you do need to start to become perfect!

may the force be with you

on March 4, 2024
  1. 3

    That's great! Your journey gives me inspiration. Thank you !

    1. 1

      Thanks a lot, I glad you like it! :)

  2. 2

    This is awesome! So inspiring to see your journey from those early coding days to where you are now. Your dedication is seriously impressive 🙌

    1. 1

      Thank you! I work hard, but there's always more to learn. :)

  3. 2

    Awesome read, I remember starting off as a self taught junior almost a decade ago. Now I’m a senior at a top tech company and went through a few different roles like Tech Lead, Agile Lead etc.
    My advice is keep at it and understand that knowing programming constructs is less than half of what makes a great developer. As you progress through your career other skills will take precedence, like being patient, independent, adaptable, a good communicator, etc.
    I am currently building a product to help people become software engineers but also to progress trough levels, so maybe that’s of use of you in the future.
    I wish you all the best!

    1. 2

      Thank you so much for sharing your story! I am also still learning. It's exciting to hear about your product, I will definitely check it out in the future. I wish you all the best as well!

  4. 2

    Your journey is truly inspiring, thank you for sharing it! 🙌

    1. 2

      Thank you, I'm happy that you like my journey! :)

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