I quit Twitter till I reach $5K+ MRR

I quit Twitter till I reach $5K+ MRR for ScreenshotOne. But I can't quit daily writing.

I grew my Twitter presence from around 30 to 12,000+ followers by using only one growth hack—I just exposed myself to Twitter daily for two years.

I shared everything related to my entrepreneurial journey. Literally everything: my revenue, expenses, my lows and highs, and lessons I learned.

I was interacting with people I admire and respect. And was ignoring people with malicious intentions who wished me bad luck. I am blocked by 100+ people, yes.

I succeeded in not commoditizing myself and staying true to myself. Just look at my Twitter profile banner and picture—it is raw and not professional. These are just photos from the places I love hiking and my true face.

I helped everybody I could help without expecting anything in return. I still try to promote and help at least one person every day by being the first paying customer, helping them with SEO, reposting their Product Hunt launch, or just hugging them at their lows.

And the community of entrepreneurs and developers on Twitter helped me, too, by advice, bringing my first paying customers, supporting my launches, supporting me at my lows, and celebrating my wins.

I met many people eventually in real life and made hundreds of friends online. I want to meet all of them one day.

I am forever grateful for all that love.

I started to spend way too much time on Twitter. It hit my mental health and creativity. And now I am taking a break from it to recharge, focus on growing my business, and explore new opportunities.

If you know how I can help you, please, feel welcome and reach out.

posted to
Self Care
on March 10, 2024
  1. 3

    Thanks for sharing that! Always good to keep in mind whats important!

    1. 1

      Thank you for reading 🙏

  2. 3

    Great inspiration! I'm starting to do something similar! It really requires us to step out of our comfort zone but it is quite rewarding. Congrats on the journey so far!

  3. 2

    I’m so sorry for you I’ m an Italian content creator on Tik Tok and I know it’s hard, I quit for this reason. I would love to reach you out to ask for some tips

    1. 1

      What was your reason?

      Reach out via LinkedIn or [email protected]. I am happy to chat.

  4. 2

    I am blocked by 100+ people, yes.

    Bully 😜

    1. 1

      It was due to different reasons.

      1. 2

        That's what you think ;)

        1. 1

          You believe that the reason is indeed different from what I think?

          1. 1

            No, I'm just messing with you.

  5. 2

    Growing on Twitter organically is hard and must face many challenges but never giving up on efforts is the first thing I learned from you. It was inspirable Dmytro.

  6. 2

    hey dmytro, take care.

  7. 2

    It's important to take a step back and recharge.
    All the best

  8. 2

    Have a rest from MRR reports and launch announcements

    1. 2

      +1 to just not posting MRR in general, I find it attracts the wrong type of people.

      1. 1

        I did stop to post it. I try to do it only once a month as a public report.

        But just posting daily without any explanation?

  9. 2

    It's your choice, Dmitro. You know how you feel and what's best for you. Progressing in silence can be faster than surrounded by noise.

    1. 1

      Thank you, but you see, I just posted a tiny post and again I am sucked in social media :)

  10. 2

    I can relate to the struggles! i changed my mind about twitter many times 😅

    Good luck with building! I am sure we will see you again soon

    1. 1

      Thank you!

      What is your latest view on that medium?

      1. 2

        It’s fickle and the moment you stop you’re forgotten. That said, if it goes well you’re flying!

        1. 1

          Sounds harsh, but feels true.

  11. 2

    People are just jealous of other People's success that's the reason for unwarranted hate I guess. Kudos you for the awesome journey :)

    1. 2

      Thank you for your love!

  12. 2

    hey Dmytro. This means we will not see you on Twitter anymore? At what stage of MRR are you at this moment?

    1. 1

      Hey, hey, Sergiu! Why not anymore?

      I am at $4500+ MRR, if everything goes smoothly I will be back in 2-3 weeks.

  13. 2

    Nice, what apps are using ScreenshotOne? I couldn’t tell from the website. I’ve been using Screen Studio, love the features but it’s pretty buggy, was curious if it or others run on your API

    1. 1

      Thank you for reading and for asking.

      No, ScreesnotOne is not related to Screen Studio or similar apps. It is more about if you want to integrate screenshotting of websites into your app.

      I have a dedicate page with use cases and you can check my customers to see how they use ScreenshotOne.

  14. 1

    Thanks for your sharing. It's very inspired to me!

  15. 1

    Thank you for sharing, let me understand the efforts behind the success. Good luck to you!

  16. 1

    Social media is distracting but valuable for networking if used intentionally. Taking a break allows refocusing on business, but consider setting limits like posting only curated content vs random scrolling.

    Other networking options like newsletter, podcast, or events can fill the gap. Consistently delivering value in a less distracting format keeps him visible and supporters engaged.

    Mental health and balance are important for the long-game. Burnout hurts creativity and progress. Short-term gains aren't worth long-term costs. Strategic breaks maintain well-being and momentum.

    Best of luck!

    1. 1

      Yes, I started a newsletter.

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