Do you use AI tools for coding?

I saw a recent, interesting stat: "GitHub Survey Finds 92% of Programmers Are Using AI Tools".

I was wondering if fellow IHers use AI tools for coding. And if so, how are you using them?

posted to
Artificial Intelligence
on June 14, 2023
  1. 3

    I personally find myself using ChatGPT a whole lot more vs. StackOverflow when I have a specific question where Google gives me generic results.

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      Same, I haven’t used stackoverflow for the past two months. I just subscribe to ChatGPT Plus and ask GPT-4 all my questions. No need for co-pilot either

  2. 2

    Github Copilot is probably the majority of the responders' main tool, including myself.

  3. 1

    I built with ChatGPT entire all SaaS Code. I figured that with the magic of gpt-chatting, I could crack the code to even the most mind-boggling problems.
    And guess what? I actually pulled it off! p.s this text is also written for me by chatgpt :)

  4. 1

    I do! A lot, from terminal autocompletion with zsh_codex to git commit message creation with gitkrakens new feature, its becoming more clear how AI will become part of our workflows.

    Today I released a simple but effective JS library called MagicJS:
    search GitHub for EpilogoSRL/magicjs

    It allows you to do text based actions in your code.

    Lets say you have a list of comments and want to order them by "how funny they are". That's kind of hard to code without AI assistance.
    With MagicJS you just add 1 line to your code.

    const sorted = magicJS("sort these comments by how funny they are", comments);

    Please excuse the pitch but having played around with this only today it seemed appropriate to this post. 😊

  5. 1

    i mean, i feel like you are 1-0 behind if you dont.. right?

  6. 1

    Absolutely, Darko! AI tools have indeed become an integral part of the modern coding toolkit. One tool I'd recommend is AI2sql.

    AI2sql uses cutting-edge AI technology to convert natural language text to SQL queries. This is not only convenient for developers, but also empowers non-technical individuals to interact with databases by translating their natural language queries into SQL.

    Definitely worth checking out if you regularly interact with databases in your work!

  7. 1

    I use it for an explanation of some files or code blocks.

    For instance, I sent a dockerfile to GPT, and it gave me the whole sense. My programmer friends do the same.

  8. 1

    I have ChatGPT open 24/7 in a browser tab. I'd say I have two the most common usage scenarios:

    1. Exploration: tell me how to make X, explain alternatives and suggest improvements
    2. Fix my bug or make it for me: when coding in unfamiliar environment or using a language that I'm not good at

    I'm also using CoPilot, however thus far it mostly works for my as intelligent autocompletion for short expressions.

  9. 1

    Copilot is the most useful tool for actively coding right now, in my opinion. It allows you to focus on business logic and tab through the boring stuff. If you are creating a CRUD class in nodejs, just as an example, it will use previous methods you've built as an example when giving you suggestions. As others have said, ChatGPT is nice for little bash scripts or random debugging questions. The cutoff date has been a real problem for me when it comes to actively code. But if you're using an older framework/versions, it wouldn't be an issue.

  10. 1

    ChatGPT if i ever need one-off simple scripts like adding js to a webpage or writing a whole svelte project.

    CoPilot is just used alongside VSCode while programming. Heavily used for boring bits like structuring jsons/reading them etc. I would usually paste a API response in comments then below id add a extra comment to parse it or so.
    Another use for CoPilot would be creating simple functions that help part of the app. like conversion functions or regex.
    Also amazing when it comes to SQL queries. Iv started ditching ORMs like Prisma and just use plain postgres with SQL queries now.

    Apart from those more simple functions I notice AI still tends to daydream the more complex it gets

  11. 1

    ChatGpt for some simple scripting

  12. 1

    I recently purchased Github Copilot for my devs. We'll test it out for a mpnth or two and see what their thoughts are.

    Can anyone with experience share with me their thoughts? Has it helped productivity, is it good value?

  13. 1

    Very useful for editing SQL queries. Just input the code then ask to revise it to do a certain function.

  14. 1

    I have used chatGPT-3 to ask specific questions that a regular search cannot answer. It doesn't always get it right, but it's a great help.

  15. 1

    I just started learning programming I'm trying as much as possible not using it, but use it for explanation only

  16. 1

    Every day for the past 9 months

    Started with Github Copilot and couple months ago added ChatGPT and GPT 4.

    Got 15+ years on dev in my backpack already. But i can see how not nowing what you are supposed to ask and check if it is right or not by doing a quick scan might hurt you if you are justing starting as a dev.

    I got some good customers on my side project and smetimes they ask for solutions that I'm just dont want do.
    For example, "I need to get this data periodically on this website", a classic data scrapping. Charged $800 on a chrome extesion for that customer, and all I had to do was to prompt what need to be done on ChatGPT (GPT4).

    The extra cash is nice, but that is the kind of stuff I used to say no, because there is no recurring opportunity on it. And I learned to say no to stuff that I'm not in the mood to build.

    The main reason I started to accept inquiries like that is because this strengths the relationship with my customer base.
    Most of them are not tech people and just want to have their problem solved, And when I say yes for small stuff like that, they start to talk more about other pains they are suffering.
    And those conversations are the ones that brings the most value, its where I learn the real roadmap of my SaaS

  17. 1

    I do it's so much faster than Google Searching for answers or sifting through Stack Overflow.

  18. 1

    For a lot of everyday coding these days I just write pretty explicit code without giving too much thought to efficiency/optimization and do a final pass using ChatGPT to clean it up. It definitely speeds up my overall process.

    Example → https://twitter.com/ericalli/status/1666105165735157760?s=61&t=rvzMqznIBWuKVLyiveDYMw

  19. 1

    Absolutely! I bought GitHub CoPilot ($10/month) the second it was available and have never looked back! I also recently got it integrated with Xcode CoPilot (see thread here: https://twitter.com/bradleybernard/status/1666533958140706816)

  20. 1

    I use ChatGPT a lot even without trying Google/Stackoverflow first. The code generated by ChatGPT is usually buggy but I find it very useful to provide some initial ideas.

  21. 1

    I use it to write small functions and stuff. But it still makes some annoying mistakes. It saves time but always check the code.

  22. 1

    I use the VS code extension, saved me around 30% more time vs. what it previously took to code things from scratch.

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